In your opinion, why is hanzo balanced?

There are a few things wrong with hanzo.

1: snipers shouldn’t have high mobility as they can one shot 90% of the heroes

2: snipers shouldn’t have an ability to melt tanks while still being able to snipe 90% of the heroes across the map

3: snipers shouldn’t be a must pick

Hanzo’s storm arrow should deal 40 damage per arrow, no headshots, cooldown of 10 seconds. His new lunge ability should be on the same cooldown widow’s grapple is. Hanzo’s arrow projectile buff is fine.

Despite all of this, why is he balanced in your eyes?


I’d like to see the cooldowns of his abilities adjusted (maybe +2s on each) and a cost increase on his ult.


Yeah his lunge which moves him 8m to a direction should be on the same CD as an ability that moves you across the map.

Might wanna try harder if you want Blizz to listen.


Hanzo can also climb walls. He can lunge away and climb a wall to safety then continue sniping.

his ult is pretty garbage outside of grav

don’t nerf it for the love of god.

I think his ult is fine. It’s the rest that needs either revert or major nerfs (which i stated).


i think hes referring to the ult charge, cause right now he can get it extremely fast


which is nerfing his ult

he doesn’t get it too fast. if you nerf his abilities it will hinder his dps

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its not nerfing his ult its nerfing how frequently he gets it


I think he only needs the nerf to his ult charge… his cooldowns are fine, he just gets his ult way too fast.

Which is a nerf to his ultimate.

40 damage?! I know Hanzo needs a nerf on his storm arrows, but 40 damage is just absurd. Unless the arrow quantity is being increased.

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ITS NOT omg, a nerf to a ultimate would be decrease the hitbox of the dragons or reduce the damage.
Its nerfign ult charge, the charge you get from what you do in game-> this is what should be nerfed.

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his ultimate isn’t good why would you nerf it? if you nerf the ult charge you are nerfing his ultimate effectiveness over the game anyway.

You are nerfing his ultimate effectiveness over the game.

Nerfs are more than damage/hitbox reductions.

Yeah honestly grav is the OP ult, not dragonstrike. Ever since they made grav remove movement related abilities, it’s been on the OP side.

Storm arrow is where Hanzo is broken. It’s just too good against everything.

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thats what I’ve been saying

so you want him to have dragons every 2 team fights wait 4 grav TEAM KILL, WOOW that takes skillll

You know orisa, reaper and moira can still escape the grav right???
And grav is how it SHOULD be, or else tracer would blink out, genji would dash out, rein would charge out, mokey jumps out, dva boosts out, mercy flies out etc and there you go you graved the floor.

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In my opinion Hanzo is balanced but if I had to pick something to get nerfed it would be his ult charge… Thats just me though. but I get what you’re saying, Hanzo’s ult is pretty bad on its own.