In what way were the Tanks "super buffed"?

You made no attempt to debunk a single thing I’ve said. I can only assume that’s because you know I’m right. Which, any Rein main (but you, apparently) would back up what I said 100% because those are Rein’s objective hard coded weaknesses I listed. I’ve even said they’re GOOD weaknesses for tanks.

That goes double for the comps, by the way. There’s only one reason why Reinhardt’s best comps involve him getting pocketed heavily.

You’ve never gotten hooked because you didn’t see the hog flanking and used fire strike? Regardless, I don’t exclusively mean “die” when I say get punished. Going for what you think is an easy firestrike, but then taking a bunch of damage is getting punished.

I’ve taken the gamble. Sometimes it pays off, and sometimes it doesn’t. But my point is that the inherent “going in can kill me” aspect of charge is an intentional weakness, so saying “i’ve never” doesn’t really debunk it.

Well let me explain the problem:

Charging in can get you killed. Because of this, you likely won’t charge. If you do, you could very easily die due to the damage increasing in the game. Plus, I already listed the problems in the OP.

I’m not asking about YOU. Rein Zarya Lucio is a comp that was meta for an extremely long time, like Double shields. I’m not asking if YOU ran this comp, I can show you endless footage of the comp being ran. And it still clearly shows that Reinhardt’s at his best when he’s being pocketed heavily.

Any one of us can say “Well, in my games that I can’t show you, I don’t need to be pocketed!”, but it doesn’t matter to anything that I’ve said. I’m not even going to respond to any more of you saying “well I didn’t!” because you’re missing my point.

Your counter arguments are you disregarding what I said, and going “Well I didnt!” Of course they don’t make sense to you, you’re only thinking about YOU.


And the current Rein doesn’t have the same issue it’s just a buff

I don’t know about this. and Bap was never the boogie man that is Rein, Zarya, Lucio, and Ana. Unless you have some other evidence to show me.

Yes yes, I didn’t contest your arguement therefore I agree yadda yadda. I’m so glad for the hivemind that are apparently the Rein mains.

I’m not interested in pursuing a lost cause here, and you don’t seem to be interested in putting up a convincing argument.

1 Like blocks any spam from anyone that can go on Rein + she can target the people behind him and can peel for her team so he doesn’t have to. Bap because he has group aoe healing and immortality field is busted. Basically the make it to where it takes 4 people or more shooting at Rein for him to die. Zarya and Ana are still good but Bap and are supreme.

I never once said there was a “Reinhardt hive mind”. Just that there are objective facts about Reinhardt.

Question: what’s 1 + 1? If you answered “2”, are you now in the math hive mind? Similarly, the things I stated about Reinhardt are just true; they’re the intended downsides and risks of the character.

Yeah you are, you’re defending OW2 :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Seriously though, you shouldn’t be defending anything. I was only stating my opinion and asking a question. The fact that you feel like you need to DEFEND something just means you aren’t operating in the right headspace.

I’m not attacking you, so stop defending.

Wait, so its just another comp where Rein is pocketed?


Yeah basically but it’s just a better version. Rein will always be the tank that needs resources along with Winston when the other tanks don’t. is just better than Zarya rn and Bap’s just better than Ana besides with Dive or weird flank comps. can cover all spam and Bap just out heals it

So anyway, that Rein hivemind must be a real hoot and a half

He doesn’t know about firestriking around corners.

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Better question, will buffing tanks make the role more fun to play? Personally I think not, they are unfun to play because of their mechanics/playstyle, not because they are weak.

You could give rienhardt 3000HP shield and 1000HP and people will still not pick tank over DPS.

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Tanks are abhorrent to play as and this hasn’t changed for what we saw in the pro gameplay of OW2.
Reinhardt got blowned up with his full HP in a second because buffed Sombra exists.


The ult charge gained from damaging tanks change is a massive universal buff for tanks. Feeding is now much less punished in terms of ult economy and eventually with the promised cc reductions we will see them even more rewarded. The game is being built around what it will be in 5+ months not what it is right now. Consider that rein having the ability to cancel charge allows you to quickly take a position instead of walking up slowly and exploding. Double fire strike means shatter is much more lethal with one less tank to block it as well. I’m not gonna sit here and act like they airdropped rein over to Paladins and said giga buff the homie, but these buffs are by no means minor.

It’s a boring passive that the tank player doesn’t even interact with in any way. It doesn’t change how they’re played, it just mitigates a little of the cost of them playing poorly.

Is it good? Maybe. I don’t know. I also know that I don’t care because it’s so uninteresting.


Of course they nerfed the shields, they nerfed 25% of the damage coming into them (probably more for the shields to be honest) by removing a tank so they nerfed them to compensate (or they would be massively buffed without touching them ala what happened to healing). It is literally everything else they got that makes it a massive buff.

Ok so the general 5v5 buffs that come with 5v5:

  • Healers can focus one tank
  • One less tank means a lot less damage flying at the other tank
  • Less Ultimates. Less ultimates due to passive tank ult charge resistance + 1 less tank means less ultimates need to be blocked.

Balance Philosophy Changes:

  • Less CC is a direct buff to tanking, since you cannot easily be chain stunned and will make space easier.

Passive Changes to all tanks:

  • Give less ult charge
  • passive knockback resistance.

Rein specific changes so far:

  • Charge can be cancelled (huge buff)
  • Charge is more steerable (small buff but pretty good.)
  • 50 extra armour HP (pretty OP last time he got it)
  • 2 fire strikes

Rein specific nerfs:

  • Less Shield HP
  • Fire strike does a bit less damage

Rein with all the buffs above can go far more aggressive to go get kills and make space alone. His shield is taking less damage as is so the nerf isn’t as big. And Fire strike having 2 charges is massive so the damage nerf is justified.

You really underestimate the changes and you need to consider that in relation to the 5v5 inherent buffs. And the balance philosophy changes.

I don’t think Geoff Goodman thinks like that.


I was told to explain why fire striking can be dangerous. I did just that. If you asked me to explain every strat related to fire striking I would have mentioned this.

Though, its clear why you’d go around me and hug box with this guy since confronting me head on is a bad idea.

For me, defending my team is where I got my amusement from. It wasn’t all standing there with my shield; I’d use my shield to close the gap with the enemy, and I could get creative with health tanking and shield tanking.

Keep in mind, Rein’s shield already dies extremely fast in current OW, but doing that shield strat is possible. With a weaker shield and stronger damage, it’s looking less likely now.

Back on topic though, they’re buffing tanks do DPS even though the tanks have to be worse versions of the DPS characters anyway. That’s where the issue is, and that’s why tanking isn’t fun: we can’t really tank at all.

I like how you ignored me and my attempt to make a bridge in this conversation, and went straight for insults anyway. Yes, clearly you’re the one everyone should listen to.

Its still feeding though. You could get in a situation where Sombra is a little bit off her ult, you feed, and now she has it and can do mandatory percentage damage to you, and shut your skills off for a second. Really, who wants to be responsible for that?

I’ve never said the buffs were minor, I even mentioned how Rein’s buffs would be perfect if they didn’t nerf his defenses. Its just that these aren’t tank buffs, and the people who say Tanks have been super buffed are weird to me.

What? How? They removed a tank, but then they’re buffing the DPS in ways that increase their damage. Sombra now does extra damage on hack, and Bastion is more versatile than ever; he just has a better Meteor Strike that hits 3 times now. Do you really think removing one tank, and buffing the damage abilities of at least 2 DPS justifies weakening defenses?

Again, they’re BUFFING damage. Why do you guys think removing one tank is a lot less damage when they’re giving the damage heroes a lot MORE damage?


Your bridge was “you’re defending OW2 ha ha lololol”

Hardly worth touching

My bridge was “I’m not attacking you, why do you feel the need to ‘defend’ anything”. What I said about OW2 was so obviously a joke that its actually a bad thing to get offended by. Like, when you hear criticism of OW2, do you take it personally? If you do, stop that; you’re not OW2, you’re not a game, and you shouldn’t get upset because people think it’ll fail.

Where did they say this?
Sombra does less damage, only more if she lands hack. And even then she was nerfed to do less damage in the first place and still does less damage than a live game tracer even with hack.

Bastion also does less damage. Only 270dps instead of 450dps in sentry. And as far as we know only has less fire rate in recon with no extra damage.

Mei lost freeze for an unknown damage increase, but less CC means less free damage.

Where are you getting this “buffing damage” from?
Especially when they say theyre looking at the likes of mobility heroes and snipers for nerfs.