In regard to the noose spray (as a black man)

Typical response I’d expect. I’m sorry that you refuse to accept that the Noose had nothing to do with racism. Just because a handful of players used it in a bad way doesn’t mean it should be entirely removed for everyone, those specific players should be punished, not everyone. I’m sorry that you believe in blanket censorship, you know not what you say.

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I’m so done trying to logically argue with you sensitive reactionaries that this is just bad comedy XD


The issue is you haven’t been logical from the start… but good luck to ya

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The irony is staggering and yet still hilarious

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I don’t so much care either way about the spray. But I personally think the people who complain about this kind of stuff look for reasons to be offended. Not to say anyone in particular in the thread, including OP are said group. But a lot of times (not always) these “X is racist/sexist/bigoted/etc” issues feel that way to me.


Can I have your permission to give you a criticism? You have been posting on this topic nonstop since yesterday (See here: Profile - Poytheon-1466 - Overwatch Forums). It is unhealthy and abnormal to have this amount of frustration over a spray that does not affect your game play at all. You seem personally offended that the spray is removed. You need to sit in that and ask yourself why.

Your behavior is the walking embodiment of white fragility; that is, the tendency for white folks to go crazy when there is even a mere suggestion of race or racism. And, yes, posting nonstop for 48 hours on this topic is crazy, insane, and inappropriate. To be honest, I’m stunned that you haven’t been silenced. But then, again, when it’s white, it’s right.

My interpretation of your posting behavior suggests that you are not here to justify, argue, defend, or explain your position; you’re just here preaching your own orthodoxy (as opposed to being open to one’s views being challenged). You’re blinded to the perspectives of others. It is this lack of cognitive empathy that separates people like you from the rest of humanity. This lack of empathy and compassion is the fault line in which this country is being torn apart. There is very little hope for the future of this country and your posts are an embodiment of that hopelessness and despair.


Sure, I don’t mind criticism. Considering I’m at work currently & was yesterday as well, posting in my spare time between customers, I don’t really see it as all that unhealthy, &I’m not even that frustrated, just disappointed that cancel culture & political correctness wins again. The noose had nothing to do with racism. If people were using it coupled with racial slurs those players should be suspended/silenced, the entire playerbase shouldn’t be punished for a non-issue

…What…I’m not even white though?? Sheesh…talk about racism, “When it’s white, it’s right.”… wtf does that even mean? Great job assuming my race because I don’t support cancel culture/political correctness. There seems to be no end in sight at this point. &Again, not sure what you’re talking about… “non stop posting”?? You need to check yourself into reality bud, cuz you’re not in it.

What? All I’ve done is express & justify my position…

The noose was not racist. It is based on Old Western Justice… the hangmans noose… Not lynching

I don’t understand why that’s so hard to get. We’re talking about a Cowboy…

Please don’t preach about hopelessness and despair or the downfall of a country when you’re literally assuming I’m white when I’m not & you’re making racist comments… Jesus. If anyone needs a silence it’s you. It’s sad that people are liking your racist comment, though after seeing who liked it I’m not surprised…they’ve been spouting nonsense too :man_facepalming:

P.S. For someone who throws the accusation of nonstop posting…you’ve posted just as much on the topic? In fact, before the past 24 hours &these posts you haven’t been on the forums since June 9th :man_facepalming: Typical projecting Profile - Starshade-11387 - Overwatch Forums

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I’m not here to tell you what to be offended by, but maybe this is why blizzard is removing the spray?

google “4-black-men-were-found-hanged-in-3-weeks”

Why assume a person’s race when you know absolutely nothing about them? Just because they don’t fall in line with your ideology they’re automatically white? We have a word for that kind of thinking…

And secondly, this wasn’t about the spray, it was about the reaction to its removal, mainly many people on the forums saying it was removed because it was racist when there is no evidence to suggest that was the case. Polytheon is pointing this out. No one cared about it at all all until it was removed.

Also “white fragility” is an insulting and divisive blanket term that has no place in proper civil discussion. I recommend you leave these foolish buzzwords out of the conversation if you wish to persuade someone with your opinion.

Also, you seem to have a lot of animosity towards white people, and that is not healthy.


Ding ding ding! Racism. It’s not at all surprising for them to project their own racism onto me because we disagree. Clearly, they have something against white people… what’s so ironic is I’m not even white :joy:

Yep. I don’t know why it’s so hard for them to understand this concept. I never even used the spray…my issue is that it was removed because people are claiming it’s racist when it very clearly isn’t if you have any knowledge of Cowboys/Old Westerns. I’m tired of racism being applied to everything. Racism has been on the decline for decades, and it’s only in recent years with all this fake outrage that it’s making any sort of comeback, but these people are too blind to see that.

Yep. Just a racist making racist comments, I flagged them.


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That can very much be a possibility. I did look up black men hangings, and over multiple publications all I’m seeing is there were a few hanging suicides (however suicides have been on the rise drastically since the covid quarantines started shutting down businesses, etc.). I cannot find any evidence of black men being lynched. Not saying they weren’t, just saying I’m not seeing any evidence for it.

But even then, if they were lynched, that still isn’t evidence for blizzard removing the noose, because they never stated as such. And that’s my issue. People are automatically pointing to it all being about racism, when we have no idea.

My post was not just about the spray; removing a spray isn’t that big of a deal. It was about how a lot of people were stating it was removed because nooses are racists when they have no evidence to back that claim. It was creating divisiveness for no reason. No one knows why the spray was removed, so maybe not jump aboard the “racism!” bandwagon by default. That’s not helping anyone.

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good thing there is absolutely no way someone getting lynched could be reported as suicide

When there is no evidence of a struggle (bruising on wrists if tied, evidence of battery, rope burns, blood under fingernails, etc.) then generally it’s most likely going to be ruled a suicide, as that’s what the evidence suggests.

We should not simply assume it’s a lynching because the person was black. There are a plethora of white people that hang themselves all the time and they aren’t deemed lynchings; so, there is no reason to just automatically assume it’s a lynching when there is no evidence of a struggle simply because the hanged was black. This type of thinking is what starts riots.

Also, very disingenuous how you chose not to quote the rest of that paragraph.

you placing a lot of trust in a system that has repeatedly found very suspicious deaths to be suicide or accidents

like this one where a man was shot in the front, with handcuffed behind his back

Never said I placed a lot of trust in anything. The system is far from perfdct. But evidence is all we have to go on. And a cherry-picked case from 2014 in Ibera Parish isn’t representative of the entire nation’s jusitce system. Shootings vs. Hangings are vastly different.

Are there falsified reports/cases? Absolutely. But I doubt they are in the majority given the amount of eyes on departments, DAs, courts, etc. So assuming that every hanged black man is the result of a racial crime is only clouding ones judgment. Have to look at it with open eyes and leave the sociopolitcal agenda at the door. Then we can come to the truth.

Care to respond? Or are you done with the conversation

Isn’t it kind of racist of you to assume he’s white? Or more generally, assume that he’s white because he thinks a certain way?

Its the whole “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” mentality. It’s completely asinine that this is seen as okay.


Dude, I’m flagging you. It’s clear you’re literally just trying to provoke him and stir up drama. Like what the hell?!

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Yep. He’s projecting his racism onto me and was subsequently called out and hasn’t responded since. I’m not even white :joy:


Morgan Freeman had this exact same sentiment about Black History Month.