In regard to the noose spray (as a black man)

Daryl Davis as well.

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Morgan Freeman has had a lot of weird takes.

Dog, cry me a river okay? He has terrible opinions, you can get triggered on his behalf but I’m like 90% sure he understands that his opinions are trash and yours are too. You’re both garbage human beings in my eyes.

So, yeah, they are making the change SO people don’t use it to make political statements in the game.

They are making the change so everyone “can enjoy ourselves after hard work,school,college and avoiding the real world problem”

They are LITERALLY making the changes you are asking for.

Except video games have been political since forever. It’s so stupid to try and make this point, if you’ve played games like Fallout, Mass Effect, Call of Duty and even Overwatch there are plenty of political messages.

You just don’t like the politics when they include minorities like all racist gamers.

God forbid they play spec ops:the line

First, I have no animosity toward white people. I just have very little tolerance for white supremacy and will put you (and others) in their place. I’m tired of this crap: I am not my ancestors. Second, White fragility is a sociological term to describe a real phenomenon that occurs. You are correct, white fragility is divisive. It is divisive because it makes it impossible for people of color to articulate to white folks on anything regarding race. You get angry, you get upset, you leave the situation, you blame, you mock, you ostracize, etc etc. To extend this point, what if I were you tell you that I find the noose spray just as (in fact more) divisive as you find the term “white fragility” divisive. Would that close the empathy gap? No? Well, I tried :man_shrugging: . Third, who you are you say that no one complained about the noose? You mean no one white complained about it:

Please expand the link above. That post highlights a collection of posts complaining about the noose. So why the hell would you tell a lie and claim that no one cared about the noose before its removal? Now, if you’re going to argue that YOU didn’t care about the noose. Then that’s fine, but sit here and claim that no one thought it was offensive when all you have to do is run a search function on the forums is lazy.

I am going to make this as simple as I can. The noose is offensive because some people - like myself - thought it was offensive and should be removed. That’s really all the reason that needs to be. You (and others) are making it way too complicated. As a black man, I can’t tell a woman what is offensive or not. If she says that me commenting on her blue blouse is inappropriate, it is inappropriate. End of discussion; because as a man, I do not have the privilege to tell a woman what is offensive or not. Similarly, as a non-black person, you don’t have the privilege to tell me what is offensive or not. I have that right. End of discussion. Further, you claimed that me saying “white fragility” is offensive. I do not have the privilege to tell you what is offensive or not. You have that right. If you say white fragility is offensive, it is offensive. I suspect that even after this, you still don’t understand, and that’s OK, I did all I could to explain.

Lastly, just because someone claims to be a person of color doesn’t mean anything. I am person of color, specifically I’m a black male living in one of the whitest cities in the Midwest. Who cares? I speak for myself. I don’t claim to speak for anyone except me. Similarly, just because someone is black or hispanic doesn’t mean they themselves don’t gargle the scrote of white supremacy. Just because someone is a person of color doesn’t mean they don’t worship at the altar of whiteness. Malcolm X had a word for these people that I won’t repeat here.

To get at the meat of your question, I assume that 99.99% of the people who post on this forum are white, young (average age 22), and male. I assume the CEO of Blizzard is white. I assume the original lead designers of Overwatch is white. I assume most, if not all, of the story editors are white. Oh, and, if they aren’t white, they are light skinned af. I make this assumption based pictures from BlizzCon and OWL. I make this assumption based on unmoderated anti-black comments that I hear in chat and over voice. I make this assumption based on the racist and misogynistic comments that I see promulgated on these forums. I make this assumption based on inclusion of negative stereotypes and anti-black imagery in Overwatch. I am willing, however, to be proven wrong.

While I do appreciate your point of view and will read your response, this will be my last post to you on the issue. I will not respond to your response. It’s nothing personal, but I’ve said what I had to say and don’t feel it would be fruitful to continue to engage with you on this topic.


Well thank you for the civil response, even though I completely disagree and find it extremely misguided and, quite frankly, somewhat misinformed.

For starters, you do realize I’m black right? Like, it’s in the subject line of this thread that I started that we speaking in right now. I know you must think that anyone that disagrees with you is white, but that’s not true. Black people aren’t the borg, we aren’t a hive mind. We have our own opinions, beliefs, likes, dislikes, etc. So you’d be wise to stop this foolish mindset of blanketing everyone who disagrees with you as being white.

Secondly, you seem like a humanities major spouting your cultural studies professor’s talking points. I’ve heard these arguments so many times before in my life (took those same classes myself) that I know them like the back of my hand. I mean, just bringing up white fragility and white supremacy is evidence of that. You don’t seem to have an original argument and come off as just parroting cultural studies rhetoric. A lot of these people that teach these concepts are not reliable nor genuine sources. They work in a bubble and rarely have their peers question their opinions. I’m getting that vibe from reading your text.

But here’s the thing, I respect how you feel about it all, as misguided and misinformed as your opinion may be to me. I think you have a very narrow view of society, but I feel that you are genuine in your anger. I get how you, and a few (and I mean a FEW) others may link the noose to racism, and that’s unfortunate. But the majority of not only the country, but the world, does not see it as racist. This is a good thing. It is not forgotten, but we moved past it. Racism in the US doesn’t dictate race relations in the world. So people calling to ban these very trivial images could be considered insensitive and offensive to those who don’t live in the US because we’d basically be saying our viewpoint is the only one that matters.

Read through those threads you posted. We’re looking at what, 7 people complaining about the spray? Very few even in the threads themselves? Not exactly a call to arms.

Now look at just the likes my post got here, way more people seem to be in agreement with me than against. You might chalk that up to “white supremacy” or some such nonsense, but many who have posted agreeing aren’t even white. And no, despite what many people may have told you, we who are against this racial outrage culture aren’t magically white supremacists by default. We’re just tired of your ilk making everything about race. It’s just creating more divisiveness. Because, like I said so many times before, no one knows why blizzard removed it, so please stop just automatically assuiming they removed it becausw it was racist.

And lastly, no one has the power to offend you except you. I recommend you take those words to heart because they’ve helped me through a lot of tough times. If you let little things such as a spray of a noose bother you, then I can’t imagine what else might cause you stress in life. That’s not good for your health man. I want you, and everyone to live a happy healthy life, and if you get stressed and angered by trivial things and start looking for racism in everything and ways to be offended, you will find yourself living a very unhappy, frustrating life. I don’t wish that on you and hope you can look toward the future instead on dwelling on the past.

Guess you won’t respond to this given what you said earlier, so thanks for the conversation regardless. Even though we disagree, at least we can talk these things out. Take care.

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This is so cringe where do I begin.

Nothing to do with what the other person said, you’re stuck on this because it’s probably true. You ignored everything they said, danced around it, and then came back with your own very blanketing statements AND strawman of ‘oh well ya know you can’t call me white’ without acknowledging that they are fighting white supremacy. You’re stuck on the you might be white part. ‘Im BlACk’

This is a strawman and really pathetic. You’re putting words into their mouth and likely someone else’s. You don’t have an argument against anything they said and you’re just talking to yourself. Either argue with the rhetoric or stop pretending like you understand it. This was cringe.

You never tell them how their opinion is misinformed and you give no empirical data to back that up. You’re actually reaching and you look like an idiot doing so. You get on their case about blanket statements you just did that for the entire world. How do you know they think it’s not racist? Generally different symbols mean things for different people. Also hey, the majority of America is white! Maybe that has something to do with it…

You asked for evidence, they provided it. Now you’re back pedaling, you are a bad person at this point.

It’s the forum… People tend to agree in mass on many things and there’s no dislike button.

You create divisivness when you refuse to acknowledge the objective reality of a noose being a racist symbol in US culture. You actually contradict your entire post here, you assumed they removed it because it was racist in your first post. Not only are you cringe but very inconsistent.

We should tell this to every single person in history that fought for equal rights or fought not to be discriminated against. “Hey, don’t worry about being treated like less than human you can just ignore it.”

You’re strawmaning, you’re putting words in people’s mouths and you are pathetic. Have a bad day.

Don’t even bother replying because you just showed the entire forum your room temperature IQ

The classic “we support black people (unless they have a mind of their own and actually have logic)”

players did that to ANY CHARACTERS. There is literally no valid case for saying something like “it happened with those heroes more often” either, so don’t even bother. This is solely political and it’s disgusting.

Man you have to be really sad to make comments like this making yourself out to be some sort of enlightened hero. Is this how brainlets like you make yourselves feel better?