Improbable to Get Out of Silver Elo as Tank

There are no carry heroes that are tanks, the likelihood of getting out of silver elo solo queue as a tank is probably 1 million to 1.

They need to change the match maker to match MMR to MMR per role, per player. That is the only way this game will ever be fair and balanced.


Roadhog, sigma, zarya and wrecking ball how are they not carry heroes do you mean you are not good enough to carry on them or?


I play Zarya and Wrecking Ball, but healers and dps are terrible, you have a right clicking moira who feeds and an ana who can’t aim. Or Zen/Lucio or whatever. It’s just really really hard to get any sort of momentum in silver.

Its probably 1 in 10 because no one wants to queue tank at all ever in the history of everywhere.


I’ve probably done it like four or five times. I find that the games get rough around big events such as the end of the Overwatch League, update patches, or new seasons. My rating generally plummets around here, like 300-400 points. I’ve been down to 1200 before. I think the level of intolerance just sky rockets, so a lot of time is wasted for people that need to have everyone stand on exactly the same piece of ground before they’re willing to do anything. My rating goes up and down and around like an electric horse on a circle impaled by a pole.

But you can kill the entire team solo with the heroes i mentioned if you have good hog hook accuracy you get a pick almost every hook in lower ranks go flanking you dont really need heals use health packs and his E ability.

Same for wrecking ball you can get mines almost ever 30-40 seconds because people just dont focus you you cant just expect to be in a higher rank if you dont deserve it.


Except you have bronze smurfs every other match who just squash you.

But you right, I deserve low silver.

Um tank is THE carry role in the game…


there is not that many bronze smurfs im sorry most of them are just gold-plat players i played from bronze-GM many times and most of these * SMURFS * are not smurfs they are usually 1-2 tiers above and are very easy to beat if you belong the a higher rank yourself.

I have had accounts where i go 100% winrate on widow all the way to 3300 or so and start getting 100 sr per win if i play tank in that rank it would be the same as when i play roadhog in plat and diamond you just flank and kill their entire team one after another with hook.

You need to work on improving and less complaining.

Sigma is pretty amazing at lower ranks.

Cant balme dps or healers trust me i understand i climbed from silver to plat as a sombra main a hero thats considered trash by the community and from what i seen in silver is yea your team will be trash and yes your dps and healers wont be the best but you have to really learn how to maximize your own individual impact in a game i learn the reason people are in silver is because of 2 thing 1 they play to many heros and arnt prashant enough in 1 or 2 to carry games. And 2nd if you do only play like 3 heros you need to really learn in depth one of them like truly put mojority of your time learning everything your job how you suppose to think using that hero how to use your ability and become a threat to the enemy. You can turn round and say you do know but really if you did you be out of silver

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Zarya and Ball don’t need that much healing due to their shields. In fact Ball should be pretty much self reliant and Zarya is practically DPS.

Maybe watch back some of your replays and try to use more cover.

I’ve started in bronze on a few accounts and gotten to master as tank. I’m a dps main so I play Zarya/Hog 90% of the time, a tiny bit of Winston/Sigma/DVA. My k/d is usually cumulatively over 10 until diamond with Zarya. I’ll have a dozen games with 50+ elims and 0-3 deaths and some like 40-10 games that average out to over 10:1 by the time I get to diamond.

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You can get out of silver as any tank. Trust me, silver isn’t as hard as you think it is. I say this to a lot of people but i suggest you put a vid of one of your games on the forums and general forum people can help you point out any mistakes you’re making.

Also, make sure you pick a hero and learn how to play it instead of flexing as any tank in general.

I wonder how many people just gave up on ranked/ladder integrity because of the disruption you created during those matches.


a good rein/zarya or even a good hog
can carry in that elo

what you usually lack in that elo is a Winston to counter things like sym and widow

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Oh look the forums have all the answers again, like they have never been hard stuck in an elo before. much wow, so amaze.

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People climb out of silver on tank all the time. It just seems really hard because:

  1. You’re struggling so you assume everyone else does.

  2. People who manage to climb out don’t post about it on the forum; only people who can’t climb complain here. So it seems like it’s more common to struggle than it really is.

Not true, i did it with non meta tank from mid gold to diamond. Check my topic.

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I’m not mid gold, I’m silver, hard stuck at that, it is impossible, I’m telling you. If your mmr is silver the game will keep you there forever. It’s just a fact of life, if your initial mmr wasn’t plat or above you’re screwed.

Blizzard marketing at its finest, makes you keep buying accounts until you’re the rank you’re supposed to be (5th account)