I have come to the conclusion no matter what rank you are in, if you are solo Q’ing support you will never rank up.
This meta is arguably the easiest time to climb as support.
Ana is a carry.
Brig is a carry.
Zen is a carry.
For sure it’s harder to support rubbish team mates. But it’s also easier to kill bad enemies.
I’d play lots of death match with Lucio, Brig and Moira and use those skills in comp.
each one of those requires team coordination, refer to my original statement.
It’s impossible to rank up as a bad support. It’s also impossible to rank up as a bad tank or a bad dps.
What…? They require team coordination in the same way EVERYONE requires coordination.
If you want to talk about heroes that NEED coordination I’d say that’s more:
I have come to the conclusion that no matter what rank you are if you don’t play better than your rank you never rank up.
So I grabbed an account I had in gold that I am playing off support on and in the last two weeks I climbed from 2200 to almost 2800. Seems like I’m climbing.
I dealt with this in bronze by going Zenyatta. That way I could dps and heal. I’m now high gold / low plat (though it did take a long time: Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide).
I can rank up to 2500 as soloQ mercy only, almost as easy as with DPS. So it must be you.
Edit: easier than with some DPS, I’m pretty horrible at hitscan
Im not sure what you struggle with, but improving my positioning helped me rank up. Also, thinking about what I’m doing. When I was in silver I would fire sleep darts into crowds as soon as it was off cooldown and hope my dps would kill them somehow. Now I hold onto it to escape/to counter abilities. It helps to think about your actions based on what purpose they are serving, and stop doing the things that have no purpose. It definitely took a while though
I climbed outa bronze on Moira, Roadhog, and Mercy. Try again? Moira is a superb carry hero in low Elo.
That isn’t right, plenty of people have done it successfully, I just can’t help get the feeling that you have missed something fundamental in the way you play the supports you do.
Went from silver to diamond playing almost entirely support
At every rank there is a meta meaning that certain hero’s are easier/stronger than others.
Below 1800 SR, DPS are usually the strongest hero’s - playing a support or tank usually means your are going to take an SR hit (probably around 500 SR) if your true skill is over 500 SR better than that, you can still climb but your doing it the hard way.
The two (Non DPS) exceptions are:
- Moira
- Hog
You should be able to climb on either of them.
However the TL;DR is you are not going to climb as other supports unless you get really good on them (which is going to be difficult to do).
You can exploit OP hero’s to climb to higher ranks.
Moira is OP in Silver and Bronze.
Brig probably a bit OP at my rank.
But “bonus” SR is still limited probably around 200 SR.
No, its not hard to rank up as support. Stop blaming the system and try to improve.
It can be rough at times, but usually if you communicate positively, you will get people adapting a bit to you just by virtue of you playing support. Overall I would argue that the easiest soloq heroes are currently Ana and Zen. I went from 2200 to 2900 playing soloq and some teams, and I pretty much play exclusively support barring the occasional tank.
Good luck on the climb!
This. I play support 99% of the time and I can tell I belong in plat. It’s not my team, it’s not the throwers, it’s not the smurfs… it’s me. I’ve actually gotten slightly worse at the game so instead of sitting in mid-plat, I now sit at low-plat. And that is fine until I get better, and if I don’t, I don’t mind.
The one time I dipped deep into gold, I got out of there easily. By still playing support.
Sooo your Alt is slowly dropping into bronze as well ?
Like many before me I soloq’d from diamond to GM as pretty much an ana one trick.