Impossible to rank up solo Q as support

Enough with the threads.

Put up a vod of you playing support so we can see for sure if you are “hard-stuck” or if you are just where you are.

After the “near-perfect Ana/Moira” videos, I have come to the conclusion that people overestimate their abilities.

I can honestly say while I play Winston decently, I still need to work on my shields and primal rages.

I can also say at times, my Zarya while able to dish out massive damage could use better bubble use to maximize energy.

If you can’t be honest with yourself, then let us analyze your play and see how good you are.

You don’t need to be a support main to see fundamental flaws

I started in mid bronze and climbed to plat so far as a support (Lucio, Moira, mercy) in solo queue. Every once in a while I’ll play orisa, reaper,, or soldier if people lock heals before I do, but that’s not often.

Have you played Brigitte? If you have decent game sense, you’ll go a long ways with her; well, until she’s nerfed into the dirt.

It’s not impossible xd

1.) Pick the right hero
2.) Ult management
3.) Communicate (have a plan)
4.) Dont die
5.) Find value.

Zen is not good right now unless your team can roll them with dive, every support right now is better than him, their utility is miles more valuable than discord in this meta. Beat and rally also aren’t hard countered by an ana having nade available

Im the idiot no one wants to be (on ps4)
Im solo healing 95% of my games, wich is not fun at all… But yeah someone gotta be that idiot right?

Till ashe was added it was fine… But im allready sick and tired of babysitting our Ashe… I play plat, so i get gold and silver Ashe’s in my team all the time, and if we had a Godaim, we would not be in those ranks, lets be honest… :wink: Its hard now to solo heal…

You have a 0% winrate with Mercy this season.

Lucio is carry.

Moira is carry (just use your heals 4Head).

Only mercy is not a carry and she never was on her own. Mercy needs someone who can carry to pocket, then she can carry too.

For supports to climb there is a simple rule: Identify the most impactful team member, keep them alive.


Keep your team alive better than the enemy team’s supports and you can easily climb as support. Clutch defensive ults, staying alive against flankers, clutch sleep darts, etc