*Important* OW2: About Phone Numbers

I dont care?

If they have humans review reports and ban aim hackers then this owns the more I think about it.

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SOME prepaid are not allowed. Some are, it’s confusing.

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You aren’t alone. I, and many others are not eligible for OW2 because of being on pre paid plans. It’s sadening and disheartening to see people getting the news about it now when we are a week away from launch.


This was something they announced a while ago (before beta 1), but it is only now people have really started talking about it.

I guessed it was going to go well, and not be a problem, but damn if it isn’t a total mess.

It is crazy and awful.


I knew about SMS protect but this INSANE pre-paid stipulation is a seemingly new issue.

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edge lord extraordinaire, get your popcorn ready haha

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They’re basically banning more legit players than cheaters with this policy.


I have been so busy with life that I never come on here anymore nor didn’t think twice to look into anything like this as I thought they’d actually talk about something on a much larger scale for this kind of thing if it were to complicate others from using their game. At least, that was my thought.

I’m a console player and I know zero of battle net or it’s functions. I think most people just make an account and that’s it as far as OW goes because something such as a phone number being registered wasn’t mandatory in the past to play. I also never played a game where a phone number was needed before so this is all new to me.


Yeah, it wasn’t expected by most people, and the people who did expect it didn’t think it would be this much of a mess.


Yes! Honestly, I had no clue what a “pre paid or post paid” phone or service was! I just went for a good deal and took it.
I’m just finding out all about this now, what with sim cards, VOI-whatever it’s called, service providers vs phones, SMS, etc and I’m just sitting here like “Can I just play OW2 please??” :joy:



When software devs talk about user experience, THIS is what they are talking about.

“for the love of all that is holy, why can I just…” ← this… this is what you should never put people though.


So you’re telling me I can’t come back to overwatch because I refuse to give my personal phone number to a publicly traded company that is beholden to its shareholders to turn a profit however it can?

Good luck with that, actimicroblizz


Yes. The answer is yes.

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Adding my two cents here. Also on cricket, used for 2FA EVERYWHERE, and now can’t access my games or accounts. Honestly they can go without my purchases then.


Blizz (probably): “Our goal is to make our games fun and accessible to all.”

Also Blizz: “If you have a pre-paid phone, go to hell.”


Youroverwatch has been consistently critical of the game and has stopped just short of insulting the devs on many occasions lmao. The rest I cant’ speak for. But I would actually love it if some youtubers did this to raise an even bigger stink. This is a huge issue. I suspect people complaining right now are just the first wave of old players who are trying to prepare for the game before launch and/or get some last games in. When #2 goes live it’s going to be a trainwreck.


I just saw this one tuber named ragerwolf (all in caps) who said his peace about the situation regarding phone numbers and such. He is pretty straightforward and spits straight facts imho. He isn’t a huge YouTuber though but he was one of the only ones to speak his mind I found so far on the situation?

I’d send you the vid, bit he does say a lot of cuss words and I’m not sure if they will suspend me for posting such a video that may break the rules aha.

A joke? No. This is exactly how Blizzard is looking right now.
How can you excuse Blizzard practically banning everyone that happens to use the cheaper phone plan?

Warzone uses the same SMS bs system and it is pretty obvious that it failed to deter cheaters. Blizzard knows that this system doesn’t work against cheaters.
So why implement the same one?
They are picking their clients.


Show me anywhere in my comment where I expressed this was excused.

I’ll wait. After that we can proceed.


There is a reason people call them burners.