Do you know how scams through email use misspellings to filter people smart enough to realize a a bank or microsoft is not going to send an email with those kind of mistakes?
This feel like that. Is just Blizzard filtering out people that don’t have enough money for a post paid plan. If you don’t even have money for that, then you are probably not going to have money for skins and shiny things.
Slows down/limits hacking, trolling and general bad behavior since you lose the game for good or have to get a new number.
Prevents mass bots making accounts and making QP a nightmare to play in.
Helps prevent account sharing.
Helps prevent accounts being stolen.
It is mind blowing how many people are acting like this is a new thing. Just about everyone uses SMS protect now. Sometimes you need a phone, email and your actual login for a specific site.
It is one of the best forms of internet security we have right now and its hard to get around so its not going away any time soon.
The problem is it is cutting off the whole hand for a hangnail
there are solutions to go against hackers and gerifers and other foul actors
but the phone requirement flys in the face of being free to play, sure security is vital for a massive audiance but this is cutting out a large portion of would be players and booting out old time players.
Ive seen a number of examples of avid young players getting stifled over this many kids and teens in large famailys getting cut out because of this, the less tech savvy having no more option as this DOES apply to console may I remind you!
Agreed! Things like phone/dial apps do generate a unique number for people,
And the fact that some providers are being excluded while other with similar plans aren’t is also weird. (Sometimes some areas just don’t get certain provider coverage-ex: my home town has banned any further towers to be put so Verizon isn’t available).
I’m hoping they’ll do something cause this is definitely a case of “looks good on paper” at its finest.
Honestly I wanted to play OW2 but i cant cause the idiots have the brilliant idea of not accepting prepaid numbers , and that screws players where the 90% of the phone services are prepaid base.
The funny thing here is that we are infighting instead of blaming the whole cell/phone industry (or whatever you call it) being a major pain that you have to exclude some part of it to include some other parts. I’m not going to name the country but I have lived in one where such problems do not exist. The country might not be as good as what US was but the system works for the people at least.
Phone is not a priority for me. Never has been, and I know I’m not the only one. You should probably try not to phrase your opinion as a factual statement.
So then the game isn’t free-to-play at all is it? Even less so than we already thought. Gotta have a 15 a month sub with a third party. Not a BS move at all… Sounds like someone made a deal with certain cell phone companies.
Many parents play with their children, and have not bought their children separate contract phones. It’s not hard to see how Blizzard is ostracizing a large community of gamers with this policy.
I’m just adding to the noise here. I have Cricket which is technically pre-paid, and I get 2FA for all KINDS of services, but blizzard is too good to accept it? Seriously I just got banned by default from a game i’ve put 6 years of my life into for using the wrong cell carrier. WHAT THE HECK?