Are you saying that the simplest explanation is that the management wrote and published a statement under the name of the Overwatch team, with no apparent motivation (it did not improve pr lol) and that fact somehow hasn’t leaked to the media?
Like, what’s suspicious about the timing? I genuinely don’t understand the point you’re trying to make.
If you truly believe what you wrote, you are an idiot.
No one is defending Blizzard. People committed sexual abuse crimes and have engaged in threatening, coercive and illegal behavior. I believe they should start prosecuting people rather than companies because people just walk free with a payoff instead of going to jail - the best we can hope for is Blizzard gets a punishment that sends change throughout the industry.
Accepting that is entirely different to accepting your stupid conspiracy theories that refuse to take how a business actually works into consideration.
I’m done mate - keep believing that the CEO of a company threatens staff into making PR statements they don’t want to do and keep dismissing people that see that as implausible as a ‘shill’. Good luck with that.
Hey everyone, I typically let you guys go on about discussions about the ongoing and developing news about Blizzard and its lawsuits, but in this specific thread I am seeing a lot of you hurl insults at each other which honestly is not appropriate and won’t help make a better community voice for anyone to want to listen to. As a forum MVP, I don’t represent Blizzard, so I am going to simply ask all of you to be more respectful in your debates about this subject and be more respectful of each other. If I feel the insults don’t stop, I won’t hesitate to reach out to community management to shut this thread down. Thank you for your consideration.
Note, I myself have my own feelings about this latest news, but like the initial lawsuit revealed this Summer, I feel it is more important to let the voices of Blizzard team members to be elevated and heard.
Oh my god, you spelled it out for them and they are still paranoid.
“COL is high in California, scared to lose job.” That’s true, but if so many employees discussed and agreed with the name change…Let’s say that if they were coerced into saying that, someone would of anonymously told media. Whistleblowing would pose 0 risk if a large volume of employees received the same sensitive info.
And this is why I’ve yet to reinstall the live client. I can appreciate what team 4 is doing but there’s a reason why I’m holding out for signs of meaningful and permanent change.
For some people it seems like it redeemed Blizzard’s action. The name change is more important than them shredding documents.
It sure is fishy.
as i said in the other thread, the name change worked successfully. It made people forget what has been done by Blizzard and back to praising their action. Especially when it is announced at the time of the document shredding.
On a side note, I used to defend OW2 to the point being called corporate shill by others, but after all this fiasco, i had to rethink if my decision defending them is not worth it.
IF it really isn’t for PR purpose, they can announce it internally on Team 4 only, and then announce it to the public when everything is ready (The lore, the event, etc.) and make the name change flowed more naturally and get less backlash from players.
The logical reasons why they announce it early while everything isn’t yet ready for the name change, is just either for distracting people from the document shredding or to rake up PR points so it looked like they’re doing some “changes” to be a better company.
what is the need to announce it publicly and too early if it is just for team 4? they could just make an internal announcement. That’s what makes it’s SUS.
If it was driven by PR, wouldn’t they release it when they get less backlash from the players rather than more?
Or because it was two weeks after Jesse McCree was fired and they announced it when they made the decision because (as the team explained) content was due to come out the follow month that now has to be pushed back leaving the community with even more of a content drought.
So just so I understand your scenario please correct the below where I’m wrong in what you believe happened…
someone in the PR team saw this was coming and suggested the McCree name change would brainwash people it not reading the Blizzard documents being shredded
this person then approached team 4 with a pre-prepared statement and tells them: “you know these sexual abuse victims? I want you to pretend to care about them for the purposes of PR because we want to distract from the public scrutiny around how we illegally shredded documents and intimidated your colleagues and friends. Change McCree’s name. If anyone asks, this is from you guys, not us. Deal?”
Blizzard current situation make them needs more PR points then ever. If they release it later, the wouldn’t get that PR points to make up for the fiasco. ANY quick PR points will be good for them right now.
Ok fine - if you say so, although clearly it hasn’t worked. Do you mind answering the rest of my post?
Also, Team 4 doesn’t need PR, Blizzard needs PR. Wouldn’t it have been a better PR move to sign it off as a decision from the whole of Blizzard to showcase how much they’ve changed rather than one team?