Imagine nerfing Hanzo and Widow

So that the rest of the dps roster isn’t totally overshadowed and we see legit dps class balance without always having to propose wonky buffs to everyone else to bring them up to par causing potentially massive power creep???


Na… just give everyone else in the game a buff, then you don’t need to


This post was made by the double sniper gang


The thing is, at most skill levels Hanzo and Widow aren’t doing that good.

Bronze: Hanzo and Widow are below average winrate wise
Silver: Hanzo and Widow are below average winrate wise
Gold: Hanzo and Widow are below average winrate wise
Plat: Hanzo and Widow are below average winrate wise
Diamond: Hanzo is below average winrate wise and Widow is slightly below average winrate wise
Master: Hanzo and Widow are below average winrate wise
Grand Master: Hanzo is slightly below average winrate wise and Widow is above average winrate wise.

Widow might be overpowered for around 1% of the population.

Widow and Hanzo are more in the I’m annoying category than the I’m OP category.


Widow’s only really op if she’s smurfing or GM/t500.


Hanzo isn’t overpowered at ANY level though. Widow is only overpowered at the very highest level.


Imagine that people who doesnt know nothing about how to balance this game, are asking nonesense nerfs for these heroes though.

I think its still funny how most of the players on this forum cant think about counters for these heroes instead of complaining about 'em.
(Still after 3 years too btw.)


“But but they can 1-shot so you can’t counter them”


then fix them

the fact that their entire existence revolves around being able to one-shot or not contribute enough to help the group is an asinine concept

we can have one-shots, they are certainly a necessary evil for the game, yes, but they just need to be balanced around, and according to you, yourself, they are in fact “not” very well “balanced”, from these stats

so, instead of basically being either absolutely dominant and frustrating for a round or utter trash and hard-countered the next, while rarely seen as “in between”, at least “attempt” to fix them somehow

even IF it can’t be “balanced” for various reasons, the least they could do is let us know what they’ve tried working with and why it didn’t work out for what reason


Totally aggrre…

Nerf widow and hanzo is the best way to balance overwatch.

If they dont nerf those heros, they should biff all others dps and this is a very bad option.


What hero counter widowmaker? A full dive is maybe the only effective counter.

And about hanzo, he can win 1 vs 1 to almost all heros on the game and he also have good movement…


I agree. For the past year, every DPS has been overshadowed by Hanzo/Widow with the exception of maybe Gnji, Sombra, and Doomfist. Anyone else, why pick em?


And what i hate about that is thst genji and sombra are good only for the ultimates.

And this game needs ultimates with less power.


Pretty much. Any hero that has one-shots + high mobility will be a better pick than any other DPS. The only law that breaks this are ults


Yeah but if they have movement + one shoots, they should have a very bad self defense on close range or against flankers.

Is not the case of widow and especially hanzo.


i would probably do a party in my house, with some fried chicken and beer, and some friends


The dps roster balance SHOULD be Rock Paper Scissors between genji tracer v soldier mcree v widow Hanzo. Flankers counter snipers, mid range counters flankers, snipers counter mid range.

Like every strategy game ever. Not that hard.

The issue is brig makes flankers throw picks and so nothing is viable but the snipers since they counter mcree soldier.

The dumb heroes like symm torb bastion junk can just kinda exist below diamond and whatever

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Imagine learning how to flank and how to listen for widows shots so you know when its safe to move…

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or cheating or using mkb on console.

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Just sayin, Jeff came out and said it plain as day in an interview with stylosa. Nobody wanted dive hero’s nerfed, so they introduced Brigitte to counter them instead. Now nobody wants sniper’s nerfed. The only other option is getting another Brigitte.

Also, lets be real here. Flankers have never countered snipers in this game. Widow was interchangeable with Genji during dive, the flanker meta before Brigitte existed. Widow excelled in the one meta that should have crippled her, and it was definitely not Brigitte’s fault then.