"Imagine having Plat border while in Plat"

I’d also like to point out that this game is coming on three years old. The majority of the player base who has been playing from the beginning would have silver to platinum borders, even as a casual player.

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IMO, everyone that really focus on improving into the game can reach diamond, since up to 3000 SR you are not exactly fighting the enemy team, you are fighting the statistics of what the Overwatch team believes you need to reach to attain the equivalent MMR of a diamond player. If your internal MMR reaches that point, you gain more SR per win and lose less per loss.

The point is that the vast majority of players don’t have the time, desire, or intention to exert this kind of effort into a videogame. And there is nothing wrong with that. Each person is free to prioritize whatever they want on their lives, and I don’t blame anyone that don’t put “a specific game” at the top of their list.

We also have some people that have a natural talent for the skills required to be considered good at the game. Those are the ones that attain high ranks while playing casually. And also IMO, those are the worst kind of teachers for people that do want to focus on getting better at the game because they do not understand the struggles to improve at the game. Those things just come naturally at them. And that list is mostly filled with streamers, because they are handicapping themselves by interacting with the chat, and still keep top ranks.

tl;dr: I agree with you.

I am not shaming them for being a low level or having Bronze Icon, I am shaming them for buying the game 30 times for some inexplicable reason.

I don’t have brain cells apparently, because I believe peak is an illusion. You always can improve. Not everyone bothers tho and why should they

I mean, they’re not wrong in somewhat general trends that one is more likely to be higher ranked the longer one plays the game, but then they wrongly point to an outlier and try to apply the trend to that person, which is false, of course. That’s not how it works.

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But to many people, “high rank” means GM. Which is 1% of the playerbase. I categorize Platinum as the start of high rank because the cutting point is above the median already, which is why I categorize Masters and GM as “top rank” instead of “high rank”

Silver, Gold and Platinum compromises around 80% of the playerbase. That’s the general public of overwatch. It’s no shame to be at any of those ranks. Silver is below average, gold is average, platinum is above average. Bronze is low rank, diamond is high rank, masters is top rank, GM is peak. Top 500 is bragging rights.

And yeah, as tons of people (us included) said in this thread, time alone don’t equate to skill. That currently gold player with a platinum border might have climbed from bronze skill levels, so there is improvement going on by plain experience.


Overwatch is the first game I’ve heard this mind bogglingly dumb insult - I suppose it tells something about the community.

EVEN IF, even if time=skill, the borders would still mean nothing: Ever heard of alt-accounts? Ever heard of OTHER FPS GAMES?

I always cringe when I hear someone trying to make a “sick burn” out of borders.

Sounds good on paper, but just not realistic. Yes everyone can improve, but saying there’s no peak doesnt make a lot of sense. If everyone can always improve, wouldn’t everyone, that really wants to be, be in t500?

Alt accounts are not against the rules

Um, you do get that this is the matchmaking happening? It’s matching you with players who are roughly as good as you (in QP, comp and QP MMR is different). The matchmaker is working as intended.

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“Imagine being so toxic that you have to establish a direct correlation between XP in game and a skill rank that is only obtained by playing competitive to troll someone.”

In the wise words of our very O.W.

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I never said they are against the rules, I just like shaming them.

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How exactly are you shaming them?

There’s no shame in having alts, if there was shame people would actually make an effort to hide it.

Plat borders mean only no smurf and play time 7/7 from the day one.

People can’t make any effort to hide it even if they want to, and trust me most of them are flung into a frenzy as soon as you mention it.

The fact that a person has 11 accounts between Bronze and High Plat just makes them 11 times likely to Troll or Disregard the team.

Most of my experiences with such people are negative, there is no consequence to their actions so they flame or throw at will.

Technically, they can be. The ToS allow for to three accounts per player. So if you have 4 or more accounts, you are breaking the ToS.

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Experience and skill correlate, I appreciate the enthusiasm about “Don’t shame high border players” but to disregard a correlation at all is a little too much.

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I reached GM before I got to plat border. You’d think you could probably get to a decent rank at 700 levels.

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Hahaha it’s so easy to trigger the border shamers… next time you see them spouting off, just get in chat and reply

“oh look, another sad lonely soul” and they’ll go off the deep end. Feel free to mute them after that haha

i’ve got people complaining about me being a silver border stuck in plat (2900, the worst place to get stuck).
My answer was “well, it means i can play at this rank quite competently, don’t you think?”