"Imagine having Plat border while in Plat"

I just played a Competitive match, feeling the itch to climb and my Teammates started berating this Ashe for not switching & as you guessed it for having a Platinum border while being in Platinum.

Imagine having the brain cells to realize that players have a performance peak, once you hit it even if you play 5 000 hours from then on it’s all about the match making and who you’re teamed up with.

Lastly, I have a ton more respect for Plat borders that I have for Bronze 1 Stars in Diamond cuz we all know they bought the game 14 times and suffer from an inferiority complex…


border doesn’t equal skill


Border only equate to time. People that believe time equal skill are delusional.

Reaching peak skill level takes time, but time alone don’t bring skill.


I honestly think people are selling accounts left and right now. I am seeing gold & silver borders frequently in QP now and I’m only lvl 154. What is even more suspicious is that they never perform well. I have yet to see one carry a game, ever.

People with gold or silver never play QP? What? I primarily play QP on this account.

What? Since when does border = skill?


So you find it suspicious that someone who played for a very long time isn’t your carry but uhm Level 120 Widowmaker on 3300 SR is just normal huh?

I can’t believe you’re this naive.


Interesting… I have never seen reverse border shaming

I peak at Plat rank, that’s where my skill level is. It’s something I have accepted as a gamer. Do I wish to be better, maybe not in Overwatch, but in some other games maybe.


There’s still a MMR based matchmaker for QP right? So why is a lvl 154 being matched with levels 600-2000? Not only have they been playing 5-15x longer than I, but they never seem to perform well.

No, stop putting words in my mouth. That’s called a strawman.

I said it’s suspicious that they never do. Ever. They never do well. Out of the probably 20 different ones I’ve encountered so far, not a single one did well enough to stand out. That’s suspicious.

Its mmr, its not base on lvl.

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1000 hours doesn’t mean you spent 1000 hours try Harding in comp

990 of those hours could of been playing mystery heroes and PvE events and you have almost NO comp experience


Skill in games is natural thing imo. Its like singing, you can train it but there will still be better singers without training.

Some are born to be t500 within 100 levels, some will end in platinum no matter how many thousand hours they will put into it.

Level has nothing to do with skill and laughing at plat border that he/she is plat is ridicilous.

easy example - I was playing masters to low t500 in month of ow launch. My other friend is plat for 2 years and will never be better then me, other friend is t500 every single season and i will never be better then him. Its natural.


You’re missing the point. Someone who has been playing this game 500+ hours shouldn’t have MMR that low. I’m not a Diamond-level player and I wouldn’t bet on me being a Platinum either. But I find it hard that out of 20 or so players, not a single one displayed skills that reflected their experience.

That’s like a baseball veteran of 20 years playing with little-leaguers and striking out every time. It doesn’t make sense.

I played this game long time, and im trash at it.

Some people play for fun and have 0 interesting in trying to get better.

You only climb if you WANT to climb and work at it. Some people just want to go pew pew pew


Cells… Cells everywhere… :pig:

When i tryed to climb i was stack in gold, when i cared less i got to plat… yea… my skill didnt go up, i just played more.

Emphasis on some. So those 20 something players I mentioned… they ALL just happen to fall under your “SOME” exception? Come on, this isn’t hard to understand.

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You do realize that time played and skill are two very different things. Someone with a diamond border can have the same QP MMR/SR in general as a bronze player, right? You can’t assume that a player with a high level is also a god at the game.

It’d be ignorant to think that.

Look at my above reply to you. Level and skill are not the same thing. A friend of mine is getting close to a platinum border but has been placing silver/gold in competitive. She’s not that great at the game given she has a slight disability that limits her mechanical skill.

And you also fail to realize that you can earn a lot of XP in groups or events where you earn double XP, which makes leveling up faster.

Trying playing heroes that take skill and then see how well you do.

You main bastion and then talk about skill LUL. See how anyone can do it