Imagine a Genji and Doom Patch next Exp Card

Questions, thoughts? Too good to be true? Would be exciting? Or better yet…

NERFS :joy:


I see it now

Rocket punch cooldown nerfed to 5 seconds.

Wall impact damage reduced to 1.



I can do you one better:

Genji’s attacks now heal his enemies.

Would be interesting depending on what they change like what if do give them a buff but also make them feel more clunky to play. So who knows at this point. We will just have to wait and see.

I will be so disappointed if the only change doom gets is a revert to his uppercut nerf.

Cause that sht isn’t gonna solve anything :pensive:

It helps, but it’s really only scratching the surface when it comes to the problems he has.

I’d reply but you know my opinion about the game right now lol


  1. Nano now cancels blade.
  2. Blade now cancels nano.

Developer comments: We saw a problem that allowed Genji to sometimes be useful. So we fixed it.



yes it will. it will help dooms who have put in the work and have really good mechanics. if uppercut gets reverted, doom will at least be viable and thats all i want.

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It really won’t…

He sucked even with his uppercut at .2 recovery time.

if you want real changes to affect the hero…

Stop his punch bot playstyle, make his combo better.

i feel the same but i just dont have hopes for that unfortunately :sweat:

sounds about right. road to F tier choo choo :joy:


Bastion needs some company :slight_smile:

that would be a nerf to doomfist currently. it would buff his punch mobility but thats about it. spread is honestly fine as is. tightening spread makes doom easier which means more low rank players can get more value which =more people complaining about him. I mean just look at genji. People in plat and below don’t understand why he’s bad and thats because the spread buff made him so much easier at low elo. Here’s my change

Uppercut: recovery time .35 to .2

Rocket punch:
total damage from 250 to 190
charge time from 1.4 to 1 second
Ultimate cost reduced by 20%

Doomfist is both a competent duelist and brawler with these changes. He has fluid and fast mobility and a fast charging ult, and to compensate he can’t 1 shot or do insane damage to tanks. He’s more healthy for the game and better to play.

I have a feeling they will be even worse if in a few months then they are now if they ‘buff’ them

Tightening spread, means more aim required, = higher skill cap.


He gets .9 second charge up time, 25 meters, 185 punch (which you can still kill someone with a follow up shot pretty much instantly), .2 recovery time, and tightened spread for more headshot damage during combo’s.

I wouldn’t oppose changes those heroes but we need more damage-oriented nerfs as well. Hitscan fall offs should be a big one, for instance.

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I would much rather have my ult up more than hitting 25 meter punches. There are very few situations where i feel like i’d want more range on my punch. Also people would complain about punch coming out of no where even more if they buffed its range. Id rather have an ult charge buff to support playing actively and brawling, because thats the healthiest playstyle for doom to not feel awful to play against. also tightening spread doesn’t buff damage and does in fact make him easier. As a gm doom, i hit all my shots mid combo. Spread would literally do 0 to help me other than maybe making crits a little easier.

If they only do a handful each experimental, I’d want them to look into the tank survivability issue first.

why not both? also they kinda just did by nerfing discord, tracer and echo. Its not perfect by any means, but at least a step to making tanks fun again.

i mean… look at genji lmao.

And they will figure out a way to make him worse