Why do we have to find out news and upcoming changes by a content creator being gracious enough to show us a screenshot of their privileged discussions directly with the devs?
Why can’t they just post news and thoughts here? Hell they don’t even have to engage with us if we “scare them away” just make a locked post “we’re doing this, we’re thinking this, this is our response to these changes” etc.
It’s not a good way to reach your community and just makes people annoyed. I’m not sure why making YouTube videos gives these people the privilege to get insider info and whisper directly into dev ears. I can only see this as bad for the game going forward.
We did not find out about Moira changes from the discord. We found out about them from a reddit post that said they were coming.
If you are referring to the changes to Moira they were discussed in an interview so again not the discord.
I sort of understand why one would not want to actually communicate to people on this forum when nothing good really comes of it especially when 90% of the time the feedback they give will either be “It is being worked on” or “we disagree and we have the numbers”
This was a discord screenshot posted by Stylosa no?
Which is, why I said, they can just post locked topics or something, they don’t have to engage with people. But announcements concerning the direction of the game should really be posted on the official game forums or there’s no real point to have this.
Is it relevant where he conducted the interview? I mean if you were doing an interview with someone with the current situation it is going to be remotely. Discord is probably the best place to do said interview. Had he been a pro writer he would have just posted the quotes on his website, but he does not have that.
In the grand scheme of things these are not “major announcements concerning the direction of the game,” but possible ideas on where they may go (or they may flip and change their minds and not do it) about one heroes abilities. This is not Overwatch 2 or Role Queue or even the Workshop, but balance changes to a single hero.
I kind of get it. If Blizz posted everything publicly, it would rob content creators of a portion of content, since they’d no longer be able to make breaking news videos about upcoming possible changes.
Tell me one good reason why they should post about something here or why they should take this toxic wasteland seriously?
The forums literally cant be taken seriously nor discuss without anything cause all ya people can do is witch hunt, be toxic, abuse the false flagging button if someone dares to argue/have a disagreement with your awful balance takes, etc.
Not to mention i’ve not seen SINGLE constructive thread nor reply for the patch notes comments & such than just people being drama queens & reeeee’ing about how the character ‘‘x’’ is dead, how the dev who ever decided what ever the ‘‘x’’ change is should be fired, etc stupid things.
I could literally go on & on to find more reasons why they shouldnt come here & such.
But it’s also gatekeeping and giving already large content creators an edge by knowing insider info to pump out more content based on privileged information that smaller content creators can’t have. It’s kind of bad.
Also there are constructive posts but you’d rather not find them cause that would conflict with your preconceived notions / the hivemind of whichever streamer you fanboy.
It is an interview. Once the interview is finished it becomes public information. By that logic no game developer should ever take an interview because it is a “secret meeting”.
Yeah, very fair point. Maybe their perspective is that Overwatch’s popularity has dwindled so much that there are very few new or up-and-coming content creators. Just speculating here.
Because if the devs communicate literally ANYTHING with the forums, like literally ANY kind of idea. Everything just explodes.
Imagine if they’ll say something like “Well we’re thinking of slightly buffing Brigitte in X and Y ways” will IMMEDIATELY result in spawning a cesspool of 298344 different threads calling the devs all kinds of things, and none of it positive.
THAT, is why they are limiting their feedback to pros and creators. Creators can then slightly bring it forwards to their communities if they want to, or they can just casually ask in twitch chat “so, if you were to give brig any kind of buff… what would you do?”. And nobody would bat an eyelid. There would not be a massive outrage. It would be a better way of gathering the general idea of what would be acceptable, and do it all behind the scenes. Rather than go on the forums and watch it burn and make it frustrating for everyone.
The forums may not be a hivemind but there’s plenty of loud individuals in here who think their voice matters more than others.
That is incorrect. The stuff in the discord becomes public at the sole discretion of the member’s of the discord. Which means information gets edited out or not shared. Discord is a private conversation between the devs and the members of the discord, and what does and doesn’t get shared depends on their interest in what was said being public and their permission to share it.
Ofc you agree with the other person cause you’re biased.
And I am?
Where exactly i’ve said about people whining about anything? I just corrected what the other person was saying about people who understands the game better, etc than the forum plebs.