I'm Tired of Hating This Game

I know, but that’s your whole schtick. It doesn’t apply to you. This is for people that enjoyed Overwatch.

I wonder if you people will ever move on lol this is just sad at this point

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Not a fan of the way (or at all) new players have to unlock heroes - but besides that (and skin prices, but who cares) the game is at its best it have ever been - the forums on the other hand…

I explained it before. OW2 is like bad pizza. It’s still okay, just makes you miss good pizza.

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Way off topic, but this forum has an annoying bug, where if I’m quoted in a post with multiple other quotes, I often don’t get notified about it. Grrrr!

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Yeah after reading a bit of OP, that doesn’t sound like someone just disliking some aspects of a game or thinking X, Y and Z could be better and providing feedback … addictions are rough, including videogames.

At that point you should quit OP. Its not doing you any good to spend time on something that should be providing you fun/disconnect from stress.

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I can’t even stomach what they’ve done to the game. I’ve tried and tried, through the beta tests and a few times since launch. I just can’t. And I’m someone who has loved Overwatch since 2016 and played nearly daily until last year, for the most part. My passion for what the game was and what I know it could be is why I’m still around. It’s sickening how much they’ve dragged this game through the mud. All in the pursuit of unfathomable greed. Thank you, corporate scumbags, for putting money above everything and a quality entertainment experience in last. They lost a lot of talented devs that had a level of passion that bled into the game because Acticrap wouldn’t let them work as they do best. All Bobby and the greed-ridden corporate overlords can focus on is unimaginable profit and appeasing the investors. This is the result, and yet it’s not enough for them. It will never be enough for them.

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So just bring OW1 back. I mean, I want it too.

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it just memories that you want go “back”. game evolved into a better state.

Except you can play a custom 6v6 mode and see that it hasn’t.

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Nothing happier than a hog in their natural habitat.

A hook to pull people into the place where dreams are made of.

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Buddha, this might interest you. The OW1 Emulator custom mode has Hog like he was at the end of OW1. A hook one-shot machine. Juuuust saying.


HAha, well I personally want to see this emulator with all of the gigabuffs tanks have in OW1.5 lol

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Well in the OW1 Emulator tanks are balanced to be more like their OW1 versions. Rein still has movement on his pin, but only 1 firestrike. Hog’s hook 1-shot is back to what it was. Zarya has a personal bubble on a cooldown and an ally bubble on a cooldown instead of 2 bubbles that can be used for anyone. Bastion is stationary in tank form and has his self heal back, and so on.

In the other modes the heroes are tweaked as well with damage, health, etc… So it’s not the gigabuffed OW2 heroes thrown into 6v6.

I created a new thread which has the codes for the custom modes and the creators’ discords. You can make your own custom game, add bots and see it for yourself. I can’t say it enough how much fun it’s been.

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You mean mindlessly consume and not take a look at the products we spend our money on? That might have been fine before all of this live service bs came about but companies have more audacity than they used to.

No one has any obligation to be silent about it cause you don’t like it. If you enjoy the game then cool, you have the option to keep scrolling. :person_shrugging:

That’s when it stop being my favorite pizza place. If it bothers me enough, I’ll go to another pizza place.

Inb4 you say “it’s the only pizza place in town and I can only eat pizza”

I didn’t say anything remotely close to this lol.

It wasn’t fine before that point either lol.

Live services are the current natural snowballed/avalanche progression from earlier monetization as innocuous as (let’s say) expansion packs and is a long-form response to all the benefits, bottlenecks, drawbacks they offered.

I mean let’s look back at multiplayer DLC. Was multiplayer DLC really all that much better of a product when it withheld content you paid for and had been playing until the dev team decided that you needed new $15 maps in order to continue playing the core game modes?

Live services are literally a direct response to that drawback, for better or worse.

Didn’t say they had one lol. I’m just suggesting that players try to have fun with what’s available even if the circumstances aren’t overly favorable.

As does everyone else on the forums, but yet here we are, chatting about it because we can :slight_smile:

I know Activision from their destroying the Guitar Hero franchise

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Referencing the 90’s to 2000s, but to be fair I didn’t get into online gaming until the Playstation 2. What did we have here? I have never had these issues with Metal Gear Online 1, Smackdown Vs Raw 2006, Resident Evil Outbreak File 2, or that one GTA clone the name escapes me. They had full fledge single player experiences with really fun online game modes, never at any point did I feel like I was playing a shopping mall with PVP or PVE elements instead of a game like Overwatch makes me feel. I’ll get back to that.

Now if you’re referring to the 2010s where companies took notice of microtransactions in mobile gaming, then sure I’ll agree that was bad. The start of what we have now. Capcom was the worse offender back then imo. However I still disagree with you. Unlike the games I played around this time, there wasn’t a lack of incentive to play unless you burn cash. Unless I buy the battle pass I get absolutely no value. Compared to Splatoon 3 where you spend 60 bucks and you get an awesome gaming experience and neat things to unlock.

And if you’re going to come at me with the “It’s only skins!” argument, skins are an important part of online games. Sure you don’t need them to win matches, but they are a part of player expression. Locking their crappy PVE mode behind a battle pass isn’t doing them any favors either and a terrible look after the previous PVE mode’s cancellation.

I can’t speak for the other detractors, but Overwatch means a lot to me. It was a fun way to bond with my friends, my sister, and my gf. There’s are still things to love about this game and that’s why people are frustrated. It can be better. It’s difficult to have fun when all the attitude and personality was stripped out of this game. No time to take things in like the original Overwatch just the game hassling you over and over to spend money. Even companies like Atlus is hopping on board this train and Persona is in a crappy place because of it

You seem to take grave offense to anyone who have criticisms with the game no matter how little. I get that. But you could enjoy something and see its potential. The only thing I agree with you on is the ban system, people complaining about being silence raise eyebrows.

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You’re literally looking for synonymous examples of modern gaming in these games being referenced when that’s not what I’m saying.

My point was that something as seemingly disconnected as included cosmetic mechanics, pre-order bonuses, traditional DLC, expansion packs, and even full boxed copy games are direct descendants of the modern live service business model.

For a more “connect the dots” example, the Live Service model is a direct response to traditional DLC/expansion packs locking players out of the base game if the DLC/expansion pack isn’t purchased (intentionally or unintentionally) more or less, for better or for worse. A functional example of this is Halo, Battlefield and CoD in the mid to late 00’s.

And whether you like it or not, we were all complicit in the current state of gaming by consuming what we were given over the past two decades.

We can pick and prod at individual examples, but I don’t think that does the greater picture a solid service.

I’m not saying that the current model is better, or that other models are worse, I’m just trying to help connect the dots to where we are now.

On the note of value, value is entirely subjective. I’m not trying to be smarmy by saying that, but it’s clear as day when I can jump into Overwatch 2 as an entirely F2P player and enjoy my time with the game for the gameplay, when you suggest that your value comes from what you unlock. When we talk about value, I’m still getting what I’m after while you’re sandbagged as a result of the game changing up financial direction. We need to acknowledge that players play for various reasons, and maybe try to realign what our priorities are in the process.

We’re not even in that argument lol. I’m not trying to be adversarial, lower the defenses I’m not trying to “gotcha” or attack you, I just want to reach a better understanding here.

Honestly I’m not trying to get too far off track, but I have nothing to comment on about PvE.

The rose tinted glasses about OW wore off pretty early on for me. Any potential depth this game had was lost within 2 years of launching. So I’m not trying to strip your experience away from you, but the game could’ve been deeper (think Arcane deep), but just wasn’t for whatever reason and I’m not dwelling on that, because quite frankly it isn’t worth my effort.

However, the gameplay really hasn’t shifted all that much despite what the common consensus is. Balance shifted as a result of 5v5, but the mechanics still function very similarly. And as Vanthem said, 6v6 can still be played in custom modes (hence why I suggest players make the most of a bad situation) which means that some semblance of the original title can still be attained.

It’s like playing Michael Myers in MW2 back in the day. MW2 (and CoD in general) really isn’t a game made for custom modes (like Halo has become) but people got creative and worked around the parameters. I’m not saying gamers have lost this, but they really don’t dip into their creativity all that much anymore.

I really don’t. I get fiery from time to time (such as recently with the gamemodes/quitting debate or with Pharah), but I’m more of a Devil’s Advocate than a straight up shill (some of the stuff I argue against I actually agree with) because everyone NPC-ing and parroting tired and overused drivel gets old even if there’s some rationality and logic behind it. People should be challenged on their points, and I’m the pot stirrer to do it. :man_shrugging:

On the first sentence I completely agree with you as well!

And I’ll raise you one step further, and suggest that players find a reason to enjoy something even if they feel bottlenecked by a factor outside of their control. Shift perspective a little, if you’re bothered by the cosmetics (not saying you can’t be) try playing the game without checking the challenges first.

I hope this clarifies my standing a little bit, sorry for the wall of text.

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