I'm sick of moira Potgs

They changed potg so that supports gets them 90% of the time to reduce the dps queue times

well they can remove potg just like [paladins has done

And I’m tired of Genji pressing Q PotGs. You know why Moira gets a PotG over your “dank 4k”? Cause she’s healing. Healing your team and doing the objective are more important that getting a 4-man kill.

You wanna talk about PotG mechanics? Then let’s talk about how the system teks into consideration you landing all your abilities in a short ammount of time. Then there’s Genji who gets a reset on his dash when he gets a kill (why, I’m still not really sure). So, Genji presses Q, gets a nano and starts slicing the backline, dashing and getting resets and that lands him a PotG.

The mechanics have actually already been changed. Back in the day, you could Zen ult into a grav or Hanzo dragon that would be PotG cause you saved your team. Now, like I said, it’s about landing your abilities and getting some kills. So a big heal won’t get you a PotG alone, unless every DPS doesn’t do anything. That’s why it’s so rare to get Ana PotG - cause you’d have to land your sleeping dart or get 2-3 kills.


then why doesnt mercy or poor brigitte get potg?

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Good. Moira should NEVR be doing the majority of damage. She should be healing her team, doing the objective and then landing some tickle assists. It all adds up.

We should get 2 potg per match

Well, I’ve been wanting to OPT out of POTG for a long time, I wish it would become an option, so that it only shows me that I got POTG when I go to my highlights.

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POTG doesn’t mean anything.

Too bad most of her POTGs don’t involve any of that. Just right click or an orb tickling people while they get killed by her teammates.

Which, if tickling qualifies you
For POTG, there are other supports and heroes who can do that better, but get far less recognition for it.

Because Hanzo firing his ult is any more skillful. Because a junkrat tired is any more skillful. Because barrage is anymore skillful.

The tunnel vision Moira gets is insane.

Can’t argue when you’re correct LOL :joy:

Yea, that’s an obviously bad idea. “Let’s nerf a character that doesn’t need it and would definitely suffer INgame, so she doesn’t get PotG all the time OUT of game, a very meaningless part of the match, especially after four years. :clown_face:

Yeah. I don’t think Moira POTGs should be removed, but I get POTG for throwing an orb in, and I just hold my arm out and look stupid. Huge coalescence plays are cool, but an orb/small succ isn’t. I’d be fine with getting POTGs reworked.


No, I think what needs to change isn’t moira specifically, but rather is the “assist” play of the game rather than kills. I can’t tell you how annoying it is when I death blossom and get a 5k just to see that ashe got play because she hit them all with Dynamite first.