I'm really, really tired of alt accounts

And what you will find is me saying a few times now, I think smurfs should be banned (quickly).

Do I think there is loads of them. No I do not.

But the ones that exists need to be weeded out.

Roku - Smurfs and Alts aren’t a big issue, they hardly even exist.

Ok lets do a test, who has a smurf/alt account? Well we know you do.

So far the smurf/alt rate is 50%, I would say that it could be a bigger issue than you think.

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I have 2 accounts yes. Neither are smurf accounts.

So immediately there is a flaw in your data capture exercise.

Man were it not for the bans, I would publish my list of trash forum users. Probably 8 or so of the same people. The same exact people in every thread that scum up the place. Again, the majority of forumers are great people, but some are just so malicious and duplicitious arguing in bad faith.

My data is 100% correct, between the 2 of us 50% have an alt account, which is the issue in the OP.

Blizzard isn’t tired of them! It’s making them $$ which is all they care about. Good day!


Alt accounts aren’t smurfs.

Alt accounts have never been an issue.

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Honestly, I dont see you arguing in good faith here. He just asked for something to back up what you are saying which is reasonable. Show the replay and let people judge for themselves, if you are right it will only vindicate you.

I can just imagine the answers if he/she post a replay…

let’s make an example you will see a doomfist lev 25 knowing all rollouts…

I bet the answer will be ‘‘he’s not a smurf, je just watched youtube videos…’’

I get that right now he’s answering aggressive but when people keep denying a problem that is pointed everyday from a lot of different people even a saint will lose patience

personally I’m keeping myself out to even TRY comps because I keep reading and look streamings of people doin ‘‘alt accounts’’ and that only demotivate me. No reason to go comps at all.

sorry the sarcasm … you mean the alt account like for example the one ml7 did to do unranked to gm ‘‘educational?’’

man what a balanced match was there.


Exactly. They just move the goalpost. Every Time. Or they will find one mistake you made in the match and focus only non that. They are had faith actors.


Yes. He did nothing wrong there.

Leveled the account. Placed it and started to try climb, as we all do.

It goes both ways, there are lots of people also on the other side of the conversation. It is actually understandable that people claim smurfs are ruining their games than the opposite, because it’s easier than accepting the truth and the truth is that most of the time someone claims smurf, they aren’t. Of course they exist but they are rare, and the fact that almost always when asked for a replay so that people can judge they don’t provide it, shows a lack of confidence in their own claims, they are just scapegoating. I’ve been around this topic for years, and I’ve seen replays of people claiming smurfs only to be debunked quiet fast by a majority of people who watched the replay. I’ve even seen people claim smurf when the player in question had a very high level account that the accuser didn’t even realized.

Im buying new accounts every month and dont care :slight_smile:

Do you have data on this or just making things up?

Don’t make claims unless you can back them up.

At least try and cite some figures. And we can help coach you along.

For example, doing a count on thread topics and other feedback about smurfing suggests the issue is extremely prevalent. It’s also not hard to make quantitative assessments about the alts to mains ratio. And we know via math that every alt disrupts what SR actually means, and ruins ladder integrity (we can quantify by how much). Another example, assume anything under level X is an alt (this will have errors, but simple assumptions like lower the level higher the chance or being alt). Then you can see just how many low levels vs. mains there are up to small errors.

So maybe show up for work?
Help the community with real tangible data or quantitative reasoning.
Not more regurgitated faketake that misleads the actual state of the game.

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Do you have data to prove it is a big issue?

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Correct this is why replay codes are vague, lead to gaslighting and water down the signal with more noise. Hindsight 20/20 coaching focusing on 1 mistake should have zigged but zagged etc.

Better to be performance agnostic and focus on the ladder design itself, what can and can’t occur under certain asumptions or allowable conditions. Things like alts, no-resets, and mmr-rigging literally quantify (within bounds) how wrong the ranks must be.

But it seems everyone wants to keep their progamer opinions without doing the math homework.

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But you brought the claim forward.
You said smurfing isn’t that prevalent.

So we wait for your evidence. What do you mean by prevalent, quantitatively, and on what documentation/grounds do you measure that out?

Thanks for your contributions.

If it isn’t there. What data can I bring for you?

You said smurfing isn’t an issue (in so many words).

So explain algebraically then. You don’t need specific data for your formula.
Tell us your formula that maps to the conclusion that smurfing isn’t an issue. Elaborate it for us (as a community) using as much quantitative reasoning as possible. Like what is your “internal flowchart”?


Nice, a snarky comment! never seen one of those.

Yeah google Jeff Kaplan on smurfs and you will see what I mean. No twitter or conspiracy theories where smurfs “magically” always ruin your games and you never get carried when you win etc.

Good luck with your findings!

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