I'm really, really tired of alt accounts

Are alt account an issue? Brand-new accounts under level 50 who roll plat/diamond games, playing heroes with perfect positioning and skill rollouts. When I was level 50 (about 2 hours playtime per hero) I didn’t even know where all the health packs were on the maps, let along that with DF you could dive over a roof, land, and punch people backwards.

If it isn’t, why are they always one of the hottest topics on the forums?

Go on bliz, make OW F2P, then let’s see if it becomes a bigger issue.

ZTK and Roku have confirmed smurfing in other posts. Roku made an alt account, threw his games then won with an almost 100% record on all his heroes and I called him out for it.


I don’t want too much, I want what would already exist if you people weren’t smurfing. Matchmaking would still have kinks, but at least it wouldn’t be tricked.

I have every right to complain because alt accounts are willfully gaming the system and creating an experience I didn’t sign up for. I could go to custom games or something if I just wanted random opponents.
If OW was advertised as: “This is a professional environment that is only meant for those that have the dedication to be the best, and if you lack the time for that then go elsewhere” - then it’d be fine. But it’s not. It’s a game, one with a considerable effort put into a matchmaker that attempts to provide fair matches.

That you would shortcut that system for whatever reason, forcing a detriment, however small, onto other people’s match quality, and then have the gall to turn around and say to them: “just shut up and move on, or give up your time to practice more” - shows some pretty disgusting shamelessness, if you don’t mind my saying so. Or maybe this is how you cope with what you know very well is a douchebag move, I wouldn’t know.

At the end of the day, I can live with the occasional smurf or two. Go make your alt accounts to practice Widow or whatever. But few things boil my urine more than you and your ilk actually defending it on here.


They have no choice but to go F2P, the idea of no barrier-to-entry is firmly entrenched in people’s minds when competing now for space online. There almost is no other choice unless you have a profoundly popular game like OW was in 2016. I suspect the amount of alting/smurfing will be about the same, but instead of 4 million players, we might be back to at least 20 million or even 40. I’ll say one thing, no doubt cheating is on the rise though in OW, it is overdue for an anti-cheat ban wave…

What made the situation unbearable seems that here people are ‘‘forced’’ to go comp to have a match where people wanna win.

Guys , some people still wanna play and win but don’t wanna go comp. If you want ‘‘only’’ to have fun while being selfish and sticking to the countered hero who isn’t getting value the whole match there is arcade where you play deatmatch. All vs all.

Hyphen, you are a prolific troll do us all a favor and shush. Your opinions are unwanted and you takes are bad.

I’m usually not so hateful, but there is a select few people on this forum such as yourself (as in you, not YOURSELF the user) that exist exclusively to spread disinformation and promote a selfish playstyle.

Just a handful of people in which I can’t abide and you are on that list. Most people here are wonderful


Nice. An expert!
I had no idea you would be providing facts for these claims.

Are those “chances” calculated using any quantitative asumptions, structural arguments, or other evidence? Or just something you read on Space’s twitter feed or heard in a Flats vid.

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You couldn’t learn that in nearly 40 hours of game play?

People are completing Elden Ring in 3 hours… and you couldn’t learn a small number of things in 40 hours.


I have an alt specifically for tank heroes (which I am historically not good with) and I’m currently in high gold/low plat.

I intentionally do not go heroes I know. It’s to practice so that if I play on main, I don’t soft-throw for my team on tank since I got placed higher on there.

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Calling someone a troll, when they are not, just because you disagree with them is pretty embarrassing.

What did he say there that was trolling?

  • That smurfing isn’t that prevalent? (which is actually true)

Did you know an OWL player said Tracer was the hardest hero to learn as you had to know perfect map positioning in relation to your team, the enemy and health packs.

But some loser called Roku on the forums said learning all this was easy, ’ Crazy’ even.

Do us all a favour and crawl back under that smurf rock from where you came from.


Since when was I a smurf… lol

Don’t call people names just because you disagree with them.

Since you bought an account to throw your initial matchmaker games, then go onto to win your next lot with an almost 100% win rate. That is what we in the forums are all referring too.

You are a smurf, my loser comment still stands.

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When did I throw any games?



Tell me where I did anything differently? My Alt account is higher than my main. So I am really not sure what you have a beef with.

The only thing you’ve said so far is that can aim (based of a number on my profile)… I have eyes, a hand, and they are coordinated. So of course I will hit shots.

Would you mind sharing the replay?

Roku, you are a riot act in yourself. Of course you’d come to his defence. Same applies to you. We just got off your whole pro smurf spiel

So, thinking that smurfing isn’t that prevalent. Which technically isn’t a different opinion to yours (just a scaling issue). Makes someone a troll.

I haven’t said smurfing isn’t an issue. It just isn’t a major one.

Not sure why you need to lie and say I am pro smurf… when I have said many times I am 100% not.

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Im not going to do the quotes again. You are pretty blatantly pro smurf. Go mald.

Again… Not sure why you need to lie and say I am pro smurf… when I have said many times I am 100% not.

I would like them banned. I just don’t agree with people claiming it is a mega issue, when it isn’t.

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All ajukne has to do is scroll upthread and reqd where I quoted you. We don’t need to retread what constitutes half this thread.

Im reading the thread and he has never argued on bad faith, he asked for something and you are being evasive
I remember you posting about people being toxic and the only one here I see being toxic is you.