I'm really, really tired of alt accounts

Just got an obvious smurf duo. How hard is it to play your own rank? Like, it literally takes less time and money to just play the game how it was meant to be played. If you own and alt, you are the problem and should be ashamed.
Inb4 a bunch of smurfs come and defend it. Hiya!


While I agree that smurfs are a problem, this company doesn’t seem to see it as so (most likely because it’s one of their remaining sources of revenue).

Honestly, I believe smurfing is just a small part of a much bigger problem: the game encourages it.

Think about it, in order to “effectively” climb in ranks, you mostly have to stay on one to two heroes. If you wanted to learn a new hero (or try them in a ranked setting) you would be tanking your rank at that expense. Thus, people believe that making smurf accounts circumvents this.

If this game had an unrated mode–and harsher penalties to better competitive integrity–I think you would see a drastic decrease in smurfs (not a complete removal) and an increase in player retention and enjoyment.


Get the rest, bro, if you are tired. But I think skill difference is the issue here, you need to work on it at your side, to not get tired when it prevails on the other side.

You are literally complaining about the skill difference, who should be ashamed after that – you unwilling l2p or the players who don’t complain about how boring are the games in GM or whatever their rank is, and looking for options to fix that? You allow them to do it being a bad player, and you are okay with being bad…
Shame has left the chat

I predicted this. I’m a dumb Nostradamus over here


What made it obvious?

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You aren’t dense, I know you. They are radically outperforming and spawncamping with low level fresh accounts. Everyone knows a smurf when they see one, don’t be naive on perpose.


None of that is “proof” though.


I will be in every single topic like this, I want to eradicate this mindset from this forum.


do you alt, yes or no?


I have 2 accounts, yes.

One for NA (this one), one for EU

I smurf the most shameless way possible, not just alt. Hopefully get the motivation to grind the main in OW2. But eventually this game is more fun climbing than sitting at certain rank.

Lol, well there’s your answer.


No, this is your excuse.
Why no skill, my friend? Tell me. Why play competitive and don’t improve? Why don’t smurf by yourself?

Lol, I’m not going to talk to a filthy cheater. Good day.


Sure, there is nothing to talk with the complainer who can’t see the difference between software and skill advantage.


The victim blaming, self-justification, and gaslighting only serve to prove the OP’s points.


You still haven’t told anyone how your “proved” someone was smurfing.

What is the best way to spot it in my games?

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I don’t understand that if people want to play at ranks way lower than where they are then why not just play quick play. You will see people from all kinds of ranks in quick play.


Again, you are being purposely naive. We all know when somebody is overperfoming. It just becomes doubly suspect when it is a fresh account. No new account that doens’t have prior gameplay experience is just going to pick up a game as complex as OW and immediately stomp plat/diamond lobbies. Especially to the point of holing the opposition up in spawn. You know this, stop being maliciously dense.

And that’s what it is Malicious and duplicitous, as many posters here are.


My bf uses his friends account bc quote on quote “the game isn’t fun unless you play in plat”