Iv’e been a Symmetra main for the past 2 years, and I feel like I can’t enjoy the game anymore.
Symmetra’s recent rework feels boring and not impactful. While she was considered to be one of, if not THE wort character in the game, she still had a niche and could work well in what she was designed to do. It never really bothered me that she wasn’t played in any serious high level play, With the new changes, she feels bad in almost any situation, and still isn’t any better spot than before.
I just feel like the character I put so much time into playing, got removed from the game. While I do play other heroes, I just don’t enjoy any other character as much as I did Symmetra 2.0. Overwatch as a whole has just stopped being fun anymore.
I know blizzard will never change her back, I just wanted to share my thoughts.
of course you stopped having fun, this is the moment where old symm mains realize that no skills needed for symm can translate to any other hero, because well sym 2.0 didn’t require any particular skills
go to the practice range and learn how to aim and you’ll have more fun
That’s such a non topic answer… “skill” and loving a characters kit are so different… Symm 3.0 is just hero 29 with Symmetra’s model and tbh Symm 3.0 doesn’t even require that much more “skill” the only thing she requires more is teamwork and that’s hard when the team hated your character for more then 2 years…
Because she pretty much has been. I feel for you my friend. I also miss 2.0
I hate 3.0 so damn much. I think it is such a failed rework. 2.0 was a great starting point with vision and purpose to her kit and they just threw everything out the window. Totally wrong move IMO.
I know exactly how you feel too because Mercy is my currently top played hero. She is going through a mess too so I can totally relate.
Or maybe it’s because sym had a very unique defensive playstyle that they enjoyed. And now this game has nothing similar to it in the game. I know I miss her old playstyle. There’s more to fun in a game then just how good your accuracy is for people.
The differences between seasoned players and new players is always going to be quite evident in their playstyles, the character itself can be more or less forgiving.
Mei is a forgiving character, as was Symmetra 2.0. Now Symmetra 3.0 requires more skill than Mei. So, basically, you’re calling yourself inept by comparing yourself to Symmetra.
giving you a hard to swallow truth =/= trolling
any seasoned player could pick up old symm and reach her skill ceiling easily
meanwhile sym mains couldn’t use any other hero at the same level because there were no particular skills required
I don’t think Mei is particularly hard either, but almost all of her abilities have depth that can separate good and bad Mei’s. Her wall alone is more skillful than symmetra’s entire kit combined has ever been.
old sym was a joke of a hero, and hopefully the rework can leave the baddies out to dry (such as yourself)
Old Symmetra, New Symmetra, doesn’t matter really. She’s still a character that doesn’t really have a place in the new era of Overwatch “Lrn2Skill” mentality. Any time that someone is bested by a construct, rather than being under the crosshairs of another player is considered “No skill” amirite?
Who had less skill, the guy who put the construct down, or the guy who stood there and let it kill them? This doesn’t go for just turrets either, this could be an ultimate of any kind. It could even be an errant grenade from Junkrat. The point is, you don’t have to be god tier at this game to enjoy it. You don’t even have to be good to enjoy it.
You do have to be patient though. Patient with people like you, for instance. People quick to judge and throw shade on someone else, simply because they can. If I hadn’t seen your history of other posts, I likely wouldn’t have said anything about your comment. For whatever reason, you seem to have a need to go out of your way to kick someone when they’re down. That’s troll behavior.
You talk about skill as if it entitles you to be considered a better human than someone else. Look at you, the almighty keyboard/mouse/controller button masher. Anyone can train a monkey to push a button. A monkey at least shows compassion for other monkeys. You don’t appear to have that capacity.
aw did I make you upset? the reason why I can comfortably say that you (and the other crying posters in this thread) are bad is because you are unable to adapt to a new symmetra, one that takes only a little more skill than the old
when you play a competitive game, skill should be an important factor in how well you do. there is no place for heroes like sym 2.0.
funny that you should mention monkeys. because a monkey could literally play sym to her skill ceiling.
Compassion is completely irrelevant, but I’ll take it as acknowledgement that you know, deep down, that I’m right, and that there is no place for you in this game other than the sub-bronze league.
We’re all monkeys, but some monkeys are better than others.