I'm really dissapointed with the new Symmetra

i gotta say i agree, new symmetra just feels so much less fun to play. her left click feels bad imo. I literally never use her teleporter, its a dead skill for me. zero interest in experimenting with it as well… her ult feels so unimpactful, as the player agency is shifted to my team mates, which is always sketchy. this really doesn’t feel like symmetra at all.

I’m assuming that you probably advocate for Mei buffs? :wink:

The new Symm isn’t trash, she’s just less awful than the last Symm. And by no stretch of the imagination not awful.

To be honest, though, it’s not like she can’t be good…

As a pick to circumvent the first point on certain assault maps, and promptly swap off of, afterward.

Pick one or the other. Can’t have both.

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If you’re never using Sym 3.0s teleporter you are playing her completely wrong.

And that’s just what she can do solo. The team utility she brings to the table is so great, which apparently nobody is using.

They should give her beam piercing. That would help a lot considering her many weaknesses.

Ofc she can do alot it’s just not the kind of play style I enjoyed about old Symm but I’m fine tho… I play Hammond now since they prob can’t rework him anytime soon :slight_smile:

Skill and play style also have nothing to do with each other so please stop saying “you just need to aim now” cause every thread some godlike player comes and declares that she needs skill now!

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