I’m saying when you divebomb someone as Pharah (get a few cycles of shiftboost+ hover until youre really really high) and drop straight down and shoot twice, because you are going downward with 1st rocket, as you shoot 2nd it will be really close to 1st rocket and they’ll both hit target almost same time.
This ‘buff’ to shooting speed is meaningless for divebombs. The only thing it will do is let her spam random rockets towards someone slightly faster but that doesn’t help her at all. In fact spamming hurts her unless your goal is to destroy a barrier
But you play Mercy and Brig…
Yes I play almost all supports, not sure what you mean by this to be honest (legit confused)
You seem to have stopped using Pharah in competitive. You need to adapt to the changes. Giving up doesn’t help with new changes. Also, have you tried PTR?
Can’t quit something you don’t play.
Quickplay doesn’t count.
No point in adapting if those changes do nothing to improve her viability.
I quit trying to play Pharah in competitive long ago because I generally don’t like competitive anyway, it’s too stressful, and soon as I pop my head out with Pharah 3 to 4 counters appear who make it their life mission to annihilate me and my whole team yells at me to swap because I’m being hard countered. It’s just not fun so I stick to quickplay/arcade
Completely relate to this one as Cree. The only relevant buff was the falloff changes but even then he’s still outclassed by both snipers.
Edit: Blizzard (simply because I can’t name specific devs) have always had a problem with bandaid patching instead of addressing the real problem and it was even evident during their time in HotS.
Id roll as McCree for close up encounters any day of the week compared to snipers though. At least you can cancel Deadeye, don’t have to aim it, it doesn’t kill you, can use behind shields/barriers, can slightly move while using, and is mapwide effective 
I know he’s a mini version of the suicide ult meme so kinda in the same boat but still, I’d kill to have any of those buffs for Barrage
Pharah would definitely be more scary if she slowly floated towards you while ulting.
that feel when he called me a “non pharah player” in another thread when i have more hours than him on pharah this season. Oh man that’s hilarious I didn’t even question his statement
If I did it wasn’t maliciously, I looked at your profile and it has under 4 hours across qp/competitive so what am I supposed to think?
I’m just having a laugh. I don’t feel any wrongdoing from you. You are just passionate. It’s just very very funny to me.
I know I am, I’ve been waiting since Nov. 2016 (last time she was ever buffed) for them to acknowledge Pharah exists and to touch her kit. I made the thread that got Jeff to devpost and respond about finally getting a dev talk video and pharah changes so I got really excited to finally see something done for Pharah…
Then to see two massive massive nerfs to her main playstyle since launch (chaining splash), another nerf to one of her 3 healers, another buff to two of her direct counters, I feel really deflated and depressed, I had such high hopes. That’s why I’m quitting her, I just can’t win, I get more angry every time I play her. I know not every one who plays her will feel the same way, just sharing how I feel
She’s my #2 this season. She’s very good in a meta where Hanzo + another non hitscan is very common.
The new buffs might very well make pharah worse, but when I was facing quick play ptr pharah’s they were doing decent against my soldier (which is near perfection aim)
I think you’re overreacting. And i’m NO STRANGER to that. Trust me.
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I think it’s so upsetting because they seem to only buff her once every 2 years so it feels like I will have to wait until early 2021 to see a change to her kit again. I’m probably over reacting but I spent so much energy and time campaigning to give her survivability…out of my 4700 posts across both forums, literaly 90% of the posts were exactly about Pharah’s survivability…only to have it be worthless and wasted in the end. Either the devs heard my voice and ignored it, or they never saw it in the first place, either way is upsetting.
Even if her round of changes currently end up becoming somehow good for her, still is a million miles away from the biggest issue of all, her suicide bomber ult. I’m out of energy at this point, too tired of yelling at the wall for anyone other than other Pharah players to hear me, I’m punching my timecard and leaving the sky sisters club, it’s been fun y’all. 
I literally took up Pharah recently as my Brig counter buuuut I have to agree with you the splash damage nerf is nonsensical.
AND with Torb becoming more viable she has yet another character to be conscious of.
I’ve campaigned for quite a few things. A few of them ended up happening, but most of the time they don’t do things in the way you want them to. And the reason is they are running a buisness and trying to adress peoples complaints in a way that works for everyone.
Sure most of my solutions were right and perfect for GM but for other ranks i’m sure they were not as good, if not flat out bad. I don’t care about any other rank, but they do. And they probably should. You really can’t expect balance changes to ever be your exact suggestion. Trust me they are listening and they’ve probably read through your threads. This might even be a response to you, in fact.
I disagree so strongly I won’t bother to explain, it would just tilt me… Her rebalancing imo is spot on, exactly the kind of stuff she needs to become more effective in skilled hands.
I’m sure you Pharah mains know whats up but please understand the rest of the community will brush it off as you whinning like every other player and their main until they too get shafted by Blizzard’s “bright ideas”
So here is the run down they always tell players:
- Wait until live
- Wait until comp
- Wait until other heroes get looked at
- You are just unskilled and cant adapt
- You are never happy
And many other cliche comments we’ve heard before. I believe she is ok but I dont think these were the changes needed. Sadly Mercy cant help you she has been permanently grounded and probaly one unnecessary nerf away from being officially deleted from the game. Good luck in the skies. 
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