I'm not having fun

I’ll give an honest advice here, and many times I gave it in the past people thought I was being sarcastic, so here it goes:

Get friends to play with you!

After I quit last year, I came back because my friends wanted me around to group up and trash talk while playing. Since then, I have very rarely played solo at all, and just boot it up when any of them are online for us to play together.

Since I only play (on average) in a trio, we have just enough control of a big portion of the team, that we can pretty much control the rhythm while still enjoying the randomness that comes with meeting strangers on the match.

Half of my friend list is just chill people I met in random matches, asked if they wanted to group up for the remainder of the night, and then added each other as friends. As long as you are open to the social aspect of the game, it’s not that hard to gather chill people to play with you. Seeing a friend playing as sending a whisper “hey, wanna group?” is surprisingly often received with a “yeah, sure, let’s go”, even if they don’t remember when or why they added you. As long as both sides respect Wheaton’s Law.

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Look I seriously dont believe that you can be that many losing streak days in quickplay specially not without any proofs.

Also, did I say that you’re trolling? Not.
Im just saying that this just looks something which is called as attention seeking. Cause 3-4 days ‘‘losing streak’’ specially makes it look like that for me atleast.

Play some QP if you are on a losing streak, sometimes you just need to play at a different time to cycle out the usuals.

i mean what do i get out of lying? there’s people actually giving me advice, im sorry that my request for help seems attention- seeking to you

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Just quit man. OW is designed to be rage inducing.

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Take a break. Play a different role. If you play on console, level up a Smurf and play in that (for free smh)

Try playing other roles or heroes. Winning a game will cheer you up even if you’re playing the role you usually don’t play. Forgive yourself for playing easier heroes and remind yourself that you can always gain SR. It’s not like you lose them forever.

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Stop playing, go on another game and come back when you feel like it.

Also find someone to play with you to duoQ. May not help but at least you have someone to share your losses with.

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Yes but you are only 1 twelfth of the players, most of the outcome of any particular game depends on others. Over time it should eventually even out and you should reach your correct rank, but that can take a while.

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I just stick to Mystery Heroes. It’s fun for me most of the times. The only times it gets on my nerves is when I get in a match almost all new alt acconts, where almost everyone isn’t even level 100 yet or when there is that solo 3.5k+ rank player in the match stream rolling everyone and mocking people (sometimes).

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Take a break, play something completely different for a while - if you want something slow paced and very different, i recommend Satisfactory or What Remains of Edith Finch :slight_smile:

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Bro, just uninstall the game, play some single player story driven games, don’t touch any multiplayer game for a month or two, you will be right as rain.

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OP is playing QP, rank doesnt matter.