I'm not having fun

Feed off the toxicity of every loss. Feel the hate grow inside you. Yes. Yes. Good…good.

On a real note take s break for s but and try again. We all get losing streaks.

not 3 whole day streaks tho :sleepy:

Oh I’m on a 4 day streak myself. I’ve had a week long one.

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oh dang bro i’ll catch up soon :blush::sob:

At that point I would just quit.

Ranked is trash at this point. You might as well be spamming qp

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Take a break for at least a couple of days. Come back to it fresh. If you do this multiple times and it still isn’t fun at all, take an extended break and try other games.

Take a break from the game. Pushing a game when you are no longer having fun will just make the experience miserable.

There are literally hundreds of games our there calling for your attention. Many of them are free or have trial/demo versions. Probably you have a bunch already gathering dust in a virtual library just waiting for you to rescue them from your backlog.

If you miss Overwatch, then return and give it another chance. If you don’t, cherish the moments you had with the game and move on.

Life is too short to stick around with games you don’t enjoy.

problem is i dont enjoy any other game, i have others but i only enjoy ovw…or i used too, i guess i should just delete and forget games :sob:

im not playing ranked but i might just quit ovw overall at this rate

Any other games?

I mean, can you put in words what you like in OW? Even if its a jumbled up description out of gut feeling, I might point you up towards games that will provide similar experience, and you might find something else you enjoy.

It’s possible you only enjoy a singular game. I mean, I don’t like MMOs in general, and played DDO for almost 10 years. No other MMO ever caught my interest for over 2 months. I also don’t enjoy FPS, but I got hooked by TF2 and OW.

But if you ever got enjoyment out of Overwatch at some point, we might find what enthralled you into the experience, and point out stuff that will provide similar feelings.

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play some workshop games

stop the superbots is a really fun PvE mode

there’s also this other PvE mode involving a boss and a leader bot? i forget.

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With Role Queue people are having to actually play within their role instead of insta switching to DPS when things aren’t going their way that means people are now improving overall leading to even QP matches being harder.

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Seems like you’re just trying to get attention which you managed to do.
(’‘Over-using’’ those crying emojis kinda shows it a bit for me)
Cause 3 days losing streak is kinda hard to believe happening even it’s just qp.

And why does losing matter so much for you if it’s ‘‘just qp’’?

it’s weird tbh i dont rly care about games i played tera online (:rofl:) for a while but then went ovw and that’s the only game i enjoy, i love it a lot, the characters, the gameplay, but there’s so much stuff i personally can’t control, i know gut gud all that, but im just one teammate, maybe im just sick of this community :sleepy: thank you for trying tho, i think it might just be time to not play games anymore it’s really crushing realizing i spent all day playing, just to realize they’ve been all losses :sob:

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We all go thru losing streaks. Don’t worry, itll turn around.

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actually id forgotten about custom games! i might try that, at least to break the loss streak :rofl:

yeah, that’s fair, it just happened out of nowhere tho and it’s really dragged my morale down, maybe i’ll pick up a new hero too, thx :blush:

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I like to join chill/kill custom games and just hang out there for a bit. I usually find some laughs. I also play around with different heroes in quick play when bored as well. And if it all fails, then try playing with friends or a group. That’s usually more fun.

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i just use emojis a lot, sorry, but i really am on a three day loss streak, 4 counting today now lol

i never said “its just qp” either btw, that’s my main game mode as i dont play comp much so it feels horrible trying to play just to end the day knowing it was just all horrible losses

i was just asking for advice for what to do to increase my fun again, but idk what about my post is making yall think im trolling

did somebody request the Young Mens Club of America ?