I'm done with Brig

Just check the history, you are less than 2 clicks away! Enjoy!

And the only thing youā€™re bringing attention to is how awfully inept you are at backing up your arguments.


Itā€™s so weird you were being a troll earlier now youā€™re being fake nice, I donā€™t get you. Go take a break from Overwatch go play another game preferably one that will take you a very long time to complete.


Arguing with these people is like trying to bash your head against a wall. Iā€™m pissed that I spent so much time improving my tracking too. I can relate but these people havenā€™t invested time into this game and they will never understand.
Just admit you made a mistake and move on like I did.

Among mine, there are many great ideas, check out this discussion for more info.

There, I made it even easier for you! Happy nerfing!

Boi, I got this game day one, donā€™t you dare say I havenā€™t invested time in this game, itā€™s because Iā€™ve invested time this game that I can adapt and deal with a new hero without crying for a Nerf that doesnā€™t need to happen.

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My man, I literally just granted you that Brigitte may or may not be OP, that is not my point.

I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on, you must either be ignoring me or you have some attention span issues.

You mean youā€™re pissed that Tracer finally has a hard counter? I mean I get it, it can hurt, but be direct with your words please, so we can at least know whatā€™s going on.

Oh but the members can assure you, she is certainly OP, and perhaps even beyond. Iā€™ll link it again, just for you! Enlighten yourself, and work towards ushering in the age of balance!

Brig is fine. Please stop hating on this thick Swedish girl <3

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Yup, he is one of those that hope if theyā€™re loud enough theyā€™ll intimidate the devs, it doesnā€™t work. Youā€™ll have to prove what youā€™re claiming with conversation.

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Brigitte without her stun is totally uselessā€¦


Remove it and her pick rate is litteraly 0%
Try to explain how this is to make her more skilled !

Her shield deserve less HP, maybe 450 should be enough but 200 is ridiculous. Her shield wouldnā€™t even hold 2 phara rockets, so, again, uselessā€¦

Solo healing with the melee atatck is as clever as the other ideasā€¦

In fact, you just want her to be removed from the game with these ā€œideasā€. A single one of them would kill the character.

Please, stop whining and adapt to her !
I look forward your feedback when Hammond will be IG ! Will you ask to remove his ball form or his grapple ?

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Speaking of Brig aesthetics, hereā€™s a really cool idea for her.

None of those are actual counters, every one of them simply has a chance to kill her if she lets them. Even Pharah, is easily countered with a roof, the rest are BS, I slaughter every one of them when I play Brig.

If that list of heroes is countering you when you play Brig, thenā€¦wellā€¦I dont know what to tell you, other than "Dont play like a roll of soggy toilet paper, dont stand in open areas with no cover or team, complaining that youā€™re getting ā€œcounteredā€ because you have to actually use some brain cells to get the natural advantage that you have over all of them.

If you would only look, you would see how constructive the members of the cause are. Their goals are achieved through peace, not intimidation. You will learn there!

You do not see, but one day you will.

Sheā€™s part of the reason Iā€™ve lost interest in the game, but not for the ā€œLOL Tracer mainā€ reasons youā€™d think.

See, I started using her in comp. Since, I mean, sheā€™s just effective and easy to abuse to climb with. And Iā€™d use her in QP matches too. Like Iā€™d start out on Tracer or Soldier or whatever, but when we were losing (usually because the other team had a Brig and we didnā€™t), Iā€™d swap so we could win.

(Iā€™ve maintained a 75%-ish winrate on her in QP, btw.)

That was great and all, for awhileā€¦ But then I started to have self-confidence issues because I realized that the only way I could be decent and really contribute in matches was to play Brigitte - the lowest skill hero in the game.

That made me feel really terrible, so I tried to stop playing her. Iā€™d go back to Tracer, Reaper, McCree, Zarya, other supports, whatever ā€¦ but I couldnā€™t have near the impact on anything else.

It just shattered my hopes of ever getting better and being able to enjoy the heroes I actually like playing.

I guess the silver lining is I almost always outperform enemy Brigittes at my rank, but really thatā€™s just like bragging that youā€™re the smartest kid on the short bus.

I thought about abusing her too but decided not to because of this. I am just sick of her and am already a decent Widow with a 40ish% average scope accuracy this season, so I am just going to start maining her until it is safe to be on the ground again.

Do not worry, peace will return, we will defeat the Dark Lord.

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If you want counters for her, Pharah, Junkrat, Bastion, Hanzo and Roadhog can destroyer. As for Reaperā€¦ she does have a way to deal with him since bash and whip shot have such low cooldowns.

did you just assume they have a single binary gender omg you cant just do that to people

Say the guy with 90% of his playtime on Tracer/Hanzo this season in competitive. Hypocritical top level.