I'm Disappointed

Curtard made a post on how today was Transgender Day of Visibility. AND THEY WERE FLAGGED BY THE COMMUNITY. This game prides itself on diverse characters. They were reported. This game is supposed to be a game for everyone, including transgender people Whoever flagged their post should stop playing Overwatch, a game with heavily diverse characters, if they dislike one facet of diversity.


Maybe the post had something that went against coc? I don’t think people would flag anything like that just because it talks about those specific topics.




it was recently restored by mods


I didn’t see it flagged, but it’s possible a mod unflagged it manually after reading it, which I think they do sometimes.

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Maybe they did it for the memes

Pretty much anything even loosely political gets flagged. I think it’s a mix of bigots and people who don’t like seeing non-Overwatch posts.


that’s always been my experience. not that identity or sexuality are even remotely political but whatever helps them sleep at night I guess


They must have un-done it because it was flagged when I made this post.

I didn’t see the post myself, and likely would have just ignored it had I seen it, but I don’t think political posts should be on the forums. They end well - by my calculations - in an around 0% of the time.


Well, it’s technically not political. People are trans. It’s trans awareness day.


I’m not trying to label you as a bigot or anything like that but why exactly do you not feel such topics should be allowed on the forums?


Because the forums can’t cope with it. This isn’t the medium for it. You get 2 groups:

Supporters and haters. The supporters already support it so you’re not making any breakthroughs with them.

The haters aren’t going to be swayed or convinced by an Overwatch forum post. They just get worked up about it and often become hostile. Some supporters become quite animated in the face of adversity and the thread becomes a mess, with either multiple posts in the thread being flagged or the entire thread being closed and/or removed.

It just gets people worked up. I am sceptical about how much you’ll achieve through a game’s forums and I just don’t like to see all the aggro. Often times, we see multiple threads over the following week discussing it, giving their opinions some more… colourful… than others so the thread spreads throughout the forums until all the threads get closed or merged and the topic is finally forgotten about.

I just think this is the wrong place for the topics. Trans visibility day is a grey area, to be fair. It’s not strictly political but the topic of trans people is currently enshrined in politics and at the very least it is controversial.


That isn’t cause for suppressing the topic. People don’t just magically stop existing when it’s inconvenient for others.


The only flag it should be getting should be the gay pride flag



They are not related to Overwatch in any way… this is the Overwatch forums… you know?


What a trash community

At what point did I say, suggest or otherwise imply that this was the case? I’m trying to be respectful while giving my honest opinions in answer to a respectful question from the person this thread was made for. Please refrain from fabricating offense or outrage at my posts, if you can.


You didn’t. I’m simply saying that it justifies the existence of such threads, regardless of what consequences may come.