I'm Disappointed

They usually do. Honestly

LGBTQ+ topics are not political. You’re acting as if this some controversial thing.


Mehh idk. I usually never come into these sexuality threads so I wouldn’t know.

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It may not be political, but it is highly controversial. It’s not nearly as widely accepted everywhere as it may be in your own personal circle of society, and as such, people who have issues with the topic, will voice their opinion on the matter, either with words or with flags.

It shouldn’t be though, someone’s personal identity as long as it doesn’t harm anyone shouldn’t be controversial.


You may wish it wasn’t, but it very much is still controversial. Especially with trans people.

I really don’t understand the argument for it not being controversial. Everywhere you see something LGBT related, you see controversy. Tracer confirmed lesbian? There was controversy. Soldier gay? Controversy.

There is often a heated discussion over public disagreement. Sounds pretty controversial to me.

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and we’ll leave these people behind when society progresses. I feel Overwatch was made with the intention of including everybody regardless of nationality, gender, orientation etc. I’m aware it is, but it shouldn’t be a controversial topic within the context of this game specifically


I know that, and I agree, but we’re not yet there as a society where it’s universally accepted as normal. Maybe we’ll get there some day, we are making strides, but we’re definitely not there yet, and until then, a lot of people will still disagree with these sorts of life choices.

The controversy is often derived from a perceived effort to force what one side sees as personal opinion on one’s self, as fact. Feelings V/S biology essentially.

To give an idea of where people are coming from: Its the equivalent for them of asking them to deny what they see, lie to themselves, and others, because of someone else’s feelings, that are viewed as irrational. Thats at least what I’ve read in more civilized debates on the issue. The less civilized ones however… lol a cess pit of toxicity on both sides.

I don’t think it’s about controversy or anything else, it says in the COC that posts need to be related to OW or Blizzard in general, and that post had absolutely no nod or connection to those things at all. What the actual issue is doesn’t matter; if it’s not related to OW, it shouldn’t be posted on the OW forums.

Like, if they had talked about this in actual context to OW, it’d be fine, but since the post literally didn’t even address OW at all, I would flag it. That has nothing to do with politics or my own beliefs that all lives matter, but this is the OW forums.


I mean people saying that LGBTQ+ representation matters aren’t really forcing anything upon people. Plus if you bring up this argument keep in mind that we’ve had straight culture forced upon us, so us asking for a bit of representation or saying “trans-lives matter” isn’t really forcing anything upon anyone. Or at least compared to what lgbtq+ people have had to face.

If you and I think of the color blue I’m 100% sure the hue that I have in my head isn’t the same shade of blue in your head, but they’re still a shade of blue. People will have opposing opinions and it is important to respect them as long as they aren’t harmful.


I may not have worded this bit as extensively as I ought to have. What I mean is, there’s a view that the issue is more psychological, merely gender dysphoria.

That, in their opinion, embracing the false perception of self that goes against what one biologically is, that this is wrong, and shouldn’t be encouraged.

Its a touchy subject though to take the psychology route, given there was an attempt to label homosexuality as a disorder. Trans being part of the acronym, because of that aforementioned history, complicates discussion on psychological grounds.

100% agree, but, the issue most commonly raised has been the drive to push hormone blockers on children, and surgeries that can’t necessarily be undone.

or you could stop acting like a high school prefect and ignore it


What you’re referring to is sex, gender was invented by humans so I don’t see why we can’t play around with it a bit.

I mean I’d imagine that if a little boy wants to be a girl but he/she(I don’t know what to call them in this case) ends up growing up to become this giant dude that they’ll end up with some serious dysphoria.


So then you want me to ignore posts that violate the terms of this forum as long as you, personally, like the post? There’s serious issues with any system like that.


flagging a post supporting trans awareness because it violates the forum rules is nothing short of petty regardless of how you justify it


That is literally the only reason you should ever flag a forum post.


the mods didn’t think so. they restored it fully within the hour


Because that thread did not violate coc. But if something does violate coc they will not restore it. They will remove it. The flags you got were false flags

Gotta be extremely insensitive but curious

Why did you guys pick April Fools for Trans awareness day? Is it still the 31st in the US? If so it would make better sense