I'm 'Balancing' Overwatch Myself

Name a Hero, I will start messing with them. Mostly Buffs, maybe a small Rework, IDK. I’ll compress all Changes here for each Hero.


Baptiste can Self-Heal with his Healing Grenades, but maybe only by 50%. His Grenades also deal a little Damage to Enemies on Impact.

Baptiste can throw his Immortality Field at Enemies, giving a Concussion to anyone hit.

Immortality Field is now a Mini-Ult, see Mercy. It has 400 Health and will make Teammates below 20% Health Invincible, however any extra Damage done to a Teammate below 20% Health is redirected to the Drone, meaning it can still be Destroyed even if it’s behind cover.

Baptiste can now Crush Enemies he lands on after using his Exo-Boots.


D.Va can now Passively Glide by holding ‘Space’, falling at the same rate as Echo.

Whilst out of her M.E.K.A, D.Va can call in an Air-Strike on a 30 Second Cool-Down from the other Members of the M.E.K.A Squad. D.Va chooses not to use this whilst in her own M.E.K.A because she’s too confident. The Cool-Down begins once D.Va leaves her M.E.K.A, so you have to be out of it for 30 Seconds before you can use the Ability.


When using Dragon Blade, Swift-Strike and Deflect Cool-Downs are reset, Genji can Triple-Jump and Swift-Strike’s Cool-Down resets after every Hit.

Dragon Blade does 175 Damage per Swing.

Genji has 45 Ammo.

Genji does 50% extra Damage whilst Deflecting, if Deflecting towards someone who’s attacking him.


Healing Beam Heals 45 HPS, + 10% of her Heal Target’s Maximum Health if below 50%. This means 60 HPS for Tracer, or 115 for Roadhog.

Damage-Boost is now Replaced by a Healing Boost. Mercy can Temporarily Chain Heal like she can during Valkyrie for Several Seconds, before being followed by a relatively Short 5 Second Cool-Down.

Guardian Angel’s Cool-Down now increases the more you use it. It starts as 1.5 Seconds, but adds 0.25 Seconds after every use if you don’t pause for at least 3 Seconds between uses.

Resurrect is now a Mini-Ult. It charges like any regular Ultimate, but it stays in the ‘E’ Ability Slot. It costs about the same as a Pulse Bomb (maybe, IDK). It cannot Revive the Dead, instead Mercy can place a Buff on Teammates that lasts for 5 Seconds, automatically reviving them if they die within that time. Tanks are only Healed up to 300 Health upon ‘death’. It also doesn’t reduce Cool-Downs from when the Teammate died.

Valkyrie gives a constant Heal-Boost, removes the Guardian Angel overuse Cool-Down increase, Charges Resurrect 100% Faster and gives Free Flight for its Duration.

If Mercy or any nearby Teammates are under attack, Mercy can pull out her Glock 100% faster.

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I will start with my boy:

Genji. Enlighten me


Consider yourself…enlightened!

Let’s see what you can do with Mercy.

She doesn’t need to be uber-powerful, she just needs to be fun to play for non-aim support players and have some interesting depths when it comes to hero mastery.

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I like a good Challenge.

Despite IMO it being just straight Buffs, SOMEONE will still complain about it.

(Probably the Sojourn Players because Mercy is independant now, no spoilers).

Are you open to constructive criticism on your Mercy rework? There’s a lot to go though, but if you’re done with workshopping I’ll drop the subject.

Aight, hit me (figuratively of course).

I wanna see Dva changes.

I always want to see Dva changes.

It’s what keeps me going.

I got you homie!

Here is the only Genji change I want:

Deflect should reflect projectiles towards the player who fired them, rather than where Genji is aiming.

I’m tired of dying because my team is too stupid to stop shooting Genji Deflect. It’s basically friendly fire. Let the person doing the shooting be the person who takes the damage.

I think part of Deflect is the Skill Required on the Genji’s Part.

But a 50% Deflect Damage Vulnerability to the one shooting him seems fair.

I think the issue with the Mercy changes is all supports have something to do when your team is healed.

Mercy post changes doesn’t have that any more. You just kinda stand around waiting for your team to take damage.

This is where Damage boost was good, since you ALWAYS had something to do.

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Fair, but Moira seldom faces the same problem.

Worse comes to worst, use your Glock.

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I had a take on Mercy that differed from yours:

In essence, make her a flying Tracer w/ triage heals, slightly more consistent healing output, and no damage boost. I’m curious what you’d think, since I’m looking at a similar balance patch type deal myself.

I remember the experimental glide.
Was fun but gimmicky. I ended up staying away from my team too much with it.

Air strike sounds like fun but something simple like call mech or bomb now stun would be a small but nice change. Things get tricky when it’s whole new abilities.

Calling an air strike would be hilarious if it was right as you got call mech to zone them away like bastion ult into your call mech.

Maybe 175 Health? She’s way too Team-Reliant and isn’t nearly as Small, Agile or Damaging as Tracer.

Like a 360 Earth-Shatter if you’re within 10M? It would be very nice to knock Roadhog on his Butt after face-tanking a Nuke with his Inhaler.

As for the Air-Strike, it’d just be a Rocket Barrage without a visible Pharah. Maybe the M.E.K.A Squad flies over, they have the Models in-game on Busan already.

Oooh yes that’s better. I was thinking flash bang stun but that works too lol.

I feel like call mech should stun given a whole mech just fell on your head. I’d call that pretty stunning

Maybe a fun April fools card.


Okay, so the first thing to keep in mind when working with Mercy is her core gameplay loop:

1: Constantly move around the battlefield with guardian angel.
Whether it’s rushing to an injured teammate’s side or playing cat-and-mouse with enemy assassins, hypermobility is the core of what makes Mercy fun to play.

The reason why Mercy players are up in arms about the recent GA cooldown nerf is the same reason why your suggested cooldown changes won’t work: increasing GA’s downtime lowers Mercy’s core fun factor and her skill ceiling.

Mercy’s movement makes up a large chunk of her skill ceiling. Her previous 1.5 second GA cooldown meant it was constantly available, which meant the Mercy player had to be constantly making snap decisions on when, where, and even if they should use Guardian Angel - just because Mercy can zoom across the battlefield, doesn’t mean she’ll end up in a safe place!

Making swift, sound decisions under pressure is a learned skill. A lot of Mercy player deaths (pre rework) can be attributed to them making the wrong snap decision (or simply just panicking) and using GA to rush into a situation that ends up getting them killed - which is also a core part of what makes Mercy so engaging. There’s a certain thrill in knowing that any choice you make at any given moment is a life-or-death decision, and which side of the line you land on comes down to your own cerebral skills & reaction times.

If GA has noticable downtime, Mercy is no longer making those constant, snap decisions that inject the “risk” half of “risk/reward” when it comes to mastering Mercy’s movement.

I’m going to stop here for now. I have comments on your changes to healing and rez, but I’ve got some IRL stuff I need to take care of first.

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How about Bap?

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Not going to lie, I think that D.Va buff would be hilarious and fun.

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