I'm a hardcore DPS-main, but sometimes for comp i pick Mercy

Honestly, no idea why mercymains complain, Mercy has a lot of stuff that happens at same time all the time. And if you actually bother to switch targets, move around with shift and dmg boost - it’s actually pretty busy and fun


Exactly my point. The whole fun of Mercy is dashing between allies. Her Guardian Angel has only been buffed yet people complain they can’t express their skill with her or have fun with her.

It’s just crazy. Did you really only have fun with Mercy when you pressed Q? What other hero is like that? Where you seem to only have fun when you use your ultimate?

Guardian Angel is super fun and is only better than it used to be. I can’t understand why other long-term Mercy players can’t seem to see this the way I do.

Oh well


Be careful now, saying you’re a “hardcore dps main” on the forums is really risky


i fear nothing.


Switching targets or not; her kit still revolves around being a side-kick more than a hero. The fact that all she does is buff up her teammates used to be counter-balanced with mass Rez which was the single most impactful ability in the game. Now her ult pretty much does the same thing as she normally does.

I still love her but that’s where the concern is.


Im sorry, i havent yet read the actuall post, but the title is really funny, it reminds me of that “Im hardcore straight, but, twenty dollars, is twenty dollars…”

I just read the actual OP, i got into overwatch late and never knew either mass res or OP moth, and i find Mercy to be super fun and engaging, sure, id like a bit more power (she tends to fall short during team fights) but she’s super fun to play with.


PS: please dont flag this post, i didnt intend any foul play with the opening statement. :slight_smile:


Just depends on the Mercy player.

From I’ve played on Mercy, she’s actually really relaxing and lets you take your mind off focusing on mechanical and only game sense. She was never meant to be one-tricked, and all the Mercy mains are just making her progressively less fun by themselves.


YUMMY look at all those endorsements, one of the reasons why I love playing her


You’re right, Mercy still switches between targets and heal/boost. However, you use to be able to do that more frequently and with less interruptions.

Mercy normal gameplay: Only thing that was changed was the amount of time you healed vs damage boost (which I mean most people who are mediocre/rarely play Mercy only heal anyways, but for the better Mercys the 60 -> 50 hps meant you spent longer healing and less on damage boosting) and Rez. Rez has really changed her game play. Pre and early post rework, Rez was a fast ability that could be used. I do agree that as an ultimate it needed counter play (and even post rework but you didn’t hear me say that), I don’t think it needs to be 1.75 seconds long and slow down Mercy to 25% speed.

As for ultimates…
Valkyrie takes away a lot of the core parts of Mercy. Juggling not only heals/boost, but also between targets to do the same along with dodging. Valkyrie…I mean you still juggle heals/boost…but that’s about it. You get faster free flight (and yes, GA is faster between targets, but you also can also go up into the air to dodge most fire; go behind a wall if the enemy has a hit scan that can hit). You don’t need to juggle targets if they are grouped up because spread beam is a thing (for some unknown reason).

There were (relatively speaking) minor things that did affect Mercy’s game play, but the biggest thing is her ult. Mercy juggles between targets and her beams, but Valk makes it so you don’t have to juggle your allies, just the beams. But the beams aren’t that much better. Additionally, the optimal way for a team to play with a Mercy changes between the forms. Mercy prefers her allies to be a bit spread out, so she can GA between them. But during Valk, she needs her allies closer together to fully utilize her ult. Additionally, outside of Valk you had to be either in the heart of the battle or still close to it. With Valk, you can remove yourself from it, which loses any sense of urgency that some Mercy players enjoy.

I still strongly believed that if you got rid of the spread beam (for at least healing, if not also boost) from Valk and made it give more healing (and potentially a bit more damage boost), people would be happier with Valk. Or at least do the “primary target gets better heals/boost, but the spread beams give less” kind of thing. Second thing I would change about the ult would be to remove the extended beam range of Valk (goes from the normal 15 meters to 30). For non-Valk, I’d make Rez a little less annoying to use (either speed up the animation to about 1 second or let Mercy move faster during it). All of these changes make it so Mercy is more engaged into the fight as opposed to a watchful eye in the sky/sitting duck.


You are not alone…not nearly


Mercy is great for non-support mains who have to pick support in comp. Very easy and fun to play.

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Seriously I find the mass rez iteration of mercy 100x more boring and less engaging than mercy now even if it was technically more impactful. Mass rez was just pressing a button whereas in valk it lasts longer and you have a lot of options for things to do- you can dmg boost, heal, battle mercy, go wherever you want, pocket your genii blading all across the map, etc. The bunny hop/GA changes they included with the rework also made mercy wayyy more fun and again gave mercy more options for things to do. I feel like before you just kinda stood behind someone and then flew to someone else and just kinda stand behind them, but now you can basically stay in the air constantly even without a pharah lol and you can put yourself wherever you want relative to your teammates


There are 2 large groups of Mercy players who are complaining. One group is complaining because they don’t currently find her fun. These are the people who tend to want a rework, or to want mass res back. It’s a vocal group, but it’s not the only one.

The other group is complaining precisely because they DO find Mercy fun. What you described is a fun play style for many Mercy players (myself included).

The problem begins with the fact that Mercy has two play styles. I think of the one you described as the main healer play style. The idea is that you have an off healer to help you, but you’re the one dashing around trying to keep the whole team alive (or at least the ones who need it right now), while damage boosting the right people, getting maximal value out of Valkyrie, getting resurrections off, etc. It’s busy and fun. For me it’s the most fun play style out of any hero. It’s what attracted me to the game, and what kept me engaged since open beta.

The other play style is the pocket healer play style. In this version you have a main healer who takes care of most of the healing. Your job is to be glued to one specific person and enhance what they do. Most people find this version of Mercy significantly less fun.

The problem is that when the 50 hps balance patch came in, the first style became far less effective. 50 hps alongside a Zen or a Lucio is often not enough to keep everyone alive. Mercy’s high level viability is currently mainly tied to the second style. She’s currently close to being balanced at high ranks, but only as a pocket healer.

This is a problem for several reasons. There just aren’t that many main healers out there, and their radically different play styles appeal to very different players. It’s a problem if any of them is niche, and in this case it’s especially problematic since the niche is somewhat dull.

The devs should not call it a day on Mercy balance just because Mercy can be played as a pocket healer. They’ve said time and again that they view her as a main healer. She should be balanced accordingly.

This doesn’t mean heavy changes. It means numerical tweaks and small changes. A direct hps increase would be nice, but so would a host of other things - Valkyrie not disconnecting healing beams when activated, getting ult charge for successful resurrections, getting a bit more ult charge for damage boosted, etc.


Mercy is pretty forking great. It’s Valkyrie that spoils the broth.

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People don’t understand that Mercy has a healing limitation: she isn’t good at healing tanks. Whats the meta we’re in where tanks slam into each other?

Put Mercy on a dps heavy team and she shines.


Is that a fact?


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And I still love that part of her, which is exactly why I’d love to see Valk modified or replaced with something that actually resembles that fun part of Mercy.

The moving, juking, using teammate as relay points, great stuff! Free flight, constant regen and chain beams, not so much.

Mercy’s role is supposed to be the postal girl delivering mail to everyone in Overwatch.
No this comment means nothing dirty etc. either. Don’t y’all go there awhile reading this.

Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?