I'm a hardcore DPS-main, but sometimes for comp i pick Mercy

I picked up Mercy on an alternative account to learn her as a DPS main… and Mercy was way worse than they were saying. I feel people are just used to Mercy or find it easy, so that justifies all of her flaws or something? She is by far the weakest character in the game in my opinion. I have no idea why a character that lives and dies by mobility does not have a set guardian angel path and universal access to her super jump. You have to be nearly frame perfect to leap vertically while knowing you need to crouch (so it is like a glitch, but not a glitch)… and if your teammates are too close, your ability is worthless. If they are too far and you mistime a jump, you fly right into enemy LOS.

This character is clearly not for me, so I do not even usually share my opinion anymore. I just found my contrasting stance interesting because I feel mostly support mains are the ones complaining about her and it usually has to do with her ultimate, or rez. Idk. Just the base character controls so poorly.

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I’ve seen that idea many times since Valk launched. It’d certainly be a positive step in my opinion, but I’d really love if you could selectively target chain beams.

Like disconnecting someone could slightly buff the benefits the remaining teammates would get.


Express their skill lmao

Any chance you’d add such a comment to that actual thread?

With details on what you mean in regards to selective targeting (including but not limited to how you’d control such activity using a console controller)?

The fun in her kit is her completely and utterly insane mobility. I mean, she literally has all the mobility of every single ow hero. Wanna go to where no one else can? Follow your pharah. Wanna blink around with Tracer? Follow her. Etc.

Its also soooo fun to outsmart your gm tracer one tricks by being so untouchable they give up on you.

Is there a specific thread supporting that idea? If so yea, I’d post in favor of that tweak.

From what I’ve imagined it’d function like: While Valk is active Mercy can target an ally like she would to use GA but by pressing the reload button she’ll either connect or disconnect the ally. There’d need to be preferencial settings a la GA, one that would auto connect an ally that enters chain beams range who was not disconnected by Mercy (default) and one that would not auto connect after initial Valk activation.

I see the hps buff being maybe +10 per disconnected ally and maybe a 2% boon for boost. So one ally connected would be getting either 100 or up to a 40% boost. Think that could be a bit much with boost though, I haven’t really checked breakpoints.

There’d probably be a duration nerf in there as well bring it down to 8-10 seconds maybe?

It is linked in the question where I asked you if you had seen this - just a half dozen or so posts back in this thread

Well, the whole thing would require a rework due to the changes to the rez piece of the suggestion, but BigMainLittleChains could be implemented by itself without a rework - as a tweak, as you say - since it is purely a numerical change

Thank you for putting it into words. :pray:

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There’s people who want to play nothing but Mercy.

Every hero is more fun if they’re part of a varied roster you play, which often includes dps heroes.

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As someone who complained. I just needed time to get used to the new mercy. Sure I do feel a ability or ult who feels (the word feels is imoortant) like a big moment would be nice, but i’ve learned to love her movement and it is the reason why I actually enjoy playing her more than ana.

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I put 250 hours on Widowmaker, but Mercy used to be my main.
I still sometimes play Mercy, but out of necessity over fun now.

Spoken like a hard-core dps main.

I play Mercy too “sometimes”. It’s not so bad when she’s not something you use often. It’s different for A Game, but then I’m going back to shooting targets again.

Clearly, you have no idea.

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Thats exactly my feeling on mercy!! idk why people need to bash people who have an opinion on how her ult can be changed. When I valk I literally do the same thing I always do normally. Nothing particularly interesting with valk except for being a healing kite hovering over your teammates

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They really need to fix that bug where you would dash backwards when you GA to an ally partially hidden from sight

Every time I play Mercy I get to dance in a rain of endorsements.

The only problem I have with Mercy is her resurrect, no hero should have a 30 second CD ability, it is simply too long and can hardly be called an ability at that point.

It should be reworked to have a shorter CD and flow better with the rest of Mercy’s kit.

Maybe make Resurrect drop a light orb over its target which resurrects the player after 2-3 seconds with the orb being targetable and only having 100hp. This would allow Mercy to continue moving and healing but give resurrect a lot of counter play, I feel like the CD could also be reduced to 20 seconds as the ability would be denied more often.

But you are not a hardcore support main. And you don’t spend nearly as much time playing Mercy as Mercy mains. So there is a difference.

If we compare Mercy’s kit to D.Va or Tracer or Lucio or Ana or Rein or Ashe It seems like kit of these heroes are much more engaging and fun than Mercy’s kit. I’m not saying she is bad or unfun. But compare to other heroes her kit feels like kind a dry. There is not much depth there.

So I guess competitive people who plays Mercy seriously might find that things that you can do with her kit is not enough compare to other healers.

I think it’s because DPS mains tend to like mercy. Especially around silver to gold.

I know if I get an Ana or a Moira I probably won’t be getting much healing because Moria will be DPS and Ana won’t be able to hit me that much meanwhile the mercy would actually be healing you

Hmmmm it’s almost like people are allowed to complain about a hero they used to like and don’t enjoy anymore :thinking: I don’t know why you people complain about them complaining. You’re doing the exact same thing here, buddy. Live and let live, let them complain if they want to, it doesn’t really hurt to ignore if it doesn’t concern you, does it?

Are you saying she actually does take skill like every other hero ? That there is a reason there are bronze mercy’s, and GM mercys ?