I'm a die-hard Mercy main, will never stop playing her

if u have that many hours on mercy… might as well be an absolute superfan. wouldn’t be too surprised if u have even cosplayed as her.

How tragic it will be if you ever try another hero and discover that you were never meant to be a mercy main, but instead, a reinhardt.

You should branch out some more. There are a lot of fun heroes to play in OW.

You wish more people were boosted braindead one tricks?

You are the definition of Mercy main, OP :laughing:

We have a fanclub for Mercy, you might want to take a look at it. We all have this attitude towards her, though admittedly it’s hard to stay upbeat right now, after yesterday’s announcement.

Whenever there’s a mercy change its like the end of the world for these people.

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Same. Every time a Mercy change happens I always play as her to get used to the Adjustments.

When this Nerf comes I will still be playing as Mercy.

how’s the crusade of boycotting going

OP sounds familiar to the Street Fighter fanbase that only plays Ryu. He’s been on the bottom 5 worst character in the game but still maintains the #1 pickrate across all ranks for 2 years now. You have my respects as even though Mercy is my main i don’t think i would play that many hours as her only.

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I think it’s less important to pick diverse characters and to pick for pragmatic reasons if you’re just having fun in the game. Vs. AI and QM are not high steaks gaming, just ask the Grillmaster. :smiley:

Any chance we can get some nice Mercy pics today? All I’ve seen so far this morning has been historic footage of a squadron of N@zi bombers dropping bombs on England during the Battle of Britain. Mercy is much easier on the eyes. xD

Which is the unfortunate effects of the consecutive nerfs coming out being permitted. Mercy mains still play her and loved her healer kit, and regardless of how much they drive her into the ground, it’ll be tolerated in the OW world.

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1500 hours, and 38% win rate on comp.

Time well spent.

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I have 401 hours on mercy, golden gun with SR ranging from 1250 to 2195. I’m level 901 with 3 silver stars.

My response to all these nerfs is I made game more fun for others, where’s my reward?

Your medal is in the mail …

What would u call me? Am I a “one trick” or a “mercy main” or a “skill-less” Overwatch player?

I only ask because when I play Mercy people laugh and call me the above. Yet don’t look further than the top line.

When I play a different hero I’m accused of throwing - yet I usually have more hours than they do on whatever hero I pick.

My point is people should get passed labeling others.

And this is probably why they will keep nerfing her. They want people to switch up heroes.


Its not sad and its no ones business, they can play whoever and how many ever heroes they want

holy… im not a fan of one tricks and i’ve hit the jackpot with this one. 1400+hrs of complete one dimensional boredom.

I main Doomfist but that doesn’t mean I exclusive play him on every single match, I play Hanzo/D.va/Junkrat/Roadhog very often with positive win rate.

One trick means you only play one hero no matter what and that’s can be extremely bad for your team even more as a Mercy who is the most picked hero in the entire game, that means there are is a % chance that you will get paired with another one trick Mercy on the same team.

There are tons of memes and videos about how bad the game is (competitive) when two or even 3 mercy one tricks meet each other on the same team, one of them just throw the entire match or just instults each other.

Agreed. i will laugh in the face of the the enemy as i rez my tank in their face while they cant come close to countering it…