I'm 1950sr. How much SR do you think I could gain if started a team with me and 5 other Plats (2950sr)

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and… your profile is blocked :+1:

as soon as you buy another account, report back here and we’ll have a game together!

20 characters required.


In my opinion, there’s no point in “gaining” SR if you’re not capable of maintaining it.

You can literally pay GM’s to carry you out of silver. That doesn’t mean you’re not a silver player.

If you want to say you actually gained it, then you need to show the progress you’ve made. Hitting a new career high then losing it right after isn’t “gaining” anything.

No you did not.

You simply said this:

You did not mention in the slightest what hero you main. You only suggested the mere possibility that they’ll tell you who to play. You did not bring up the possibility of that hero being the same one you typically play on your own.


let me know when you buy another account

He’d have to throw to play in your rank for more than a couple of games.


and there’s also not a point to understanding the MMR formula, even if the target is merely for amusement? some say rollercoasters are trivial, and I have no valid argument for them

would you be willing to discuss the topic of this post over voice comms?

I have conflicting theories about what the scenario might produce. I’m willing to learn though audio book, but not book book. Sorry if that doesn’t suit your taste, but I got people to see and places to go

that has yet to be proven

Well, gee, I’m sure he’ll get right on that. I can’t imagine he cares about anything more than proving his rank to you :roll_eyes:


I said play a game with me, he said he’s too high rank, i said i can’t verify that, now it’s his turn and i even offered to play with his new account if he ever bought another one

I’ve done all i can do

Bold to assume he gives a sh*t about playing with you or about what you think…Well, bold to assume he’d lie just to avoid telling you that he has no interest in playing with you. Bolder (and stupider) to assume he cares enough to prove anything to you


didn’t assume, just making sure I cover all my bases, you Discord kidz keep me on my toes

I’ve never said anything like this?

Not to mention, your OP never mentioned the MMR system in the slightest, and yet you comment on me talking about things “outside the scope of the discussion.”

If you mean that you plan on doing this “Group with Plats” thing to experiment with the MMR system, then

  1. Actually say what you mean, instead of only listing half the point in the OP then bringing the other half out of left field later
  2. It’d prove nothing. You’ll get carried, and your SR will go up. How far up you’ll go is entirely dependant on how long you get carried for. I can tell you that much, you don’t need to reverse engineer the MMR system to figure that out.

Not really.

Not only do I really not have much to say on the topic, but you seem to enjoy bringing up random points and poor analogies, which would just get frustrating in an actual conversation. Plus I have to get some sleep, so good night.


I’m done reading for right now, I’ll get back to you soon. Take care.

Yes, everyone’s out to get you. In fact, you’re being gangstalked and chemtrailed.

Brb, pinging the blizzard illuminati to make sure that none of your ideas make it to the game

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i’m not worried about that on the forums

But you’re worried about it irl?


I think he believes that everyone who doesn’t agree with his spam is in a discord server together, always talking about him.

Can anyone post a “ain’t nobody got time for that” meme here? :rofl:


I notice a common theme

convoluted arguments and no voice :thinking:

Don’t be down on yourself. You can improve.

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That much is beyond any doubt. What’s not exactly certain is whether or not he actually believes in gangstalking.

See, I just assumed from the spam, godawful analogies, requests to make this game braindead and “stop derailing my thread”/“let’s talk in voice” crap that he’s a troll. But if he believes he’s being gangstalked, then he’s not trolling. He’s just…you know…Sigma.