I'm 1950sr. How much SR do you think I could gain if started a team with me and 5 other Plats (2950sr)

so the scenario would be that me and these 5 Plats queued up together (and didn’t play any other games except with each other,) they told me what to play and gave me some basic tips just to eek by (maybe mercy or something, definetly not genji lol), and we played from 6pm to 10pm EST for five nights in a row.

I think the trial would fizzle out about day 3 and a half and I would end up with an SR of around 2550 and they would end up with SRs around the range of 2750

my career high is 2350.

all feedback is welcome

thank you

You’d be playing against other 6 stacks so it probably wouldn’t help not to mention the longer queue time meaning fewer games.

You’d be doing much better to duo with someone willing to play a complimentary role.

It’s spelled “eke” not “eek”.

I think that you wouldn’t be able to keep up with the pacing of Gold+ games and when your team won it would be because they carried. If you won, you wouldn’t gain as much PBSR because you wouldn’t be performing as well as your boosters. When you lose, you’ll lose more for the same reason.

If you want to climb, you need to improve yourself. It’s the only guaranteed way.


Hold up, I thought you needed “the formula” to climb


Nice try, plankton…


Honestly if you’re not playing between 4PM and 4:15PM on the third tuesday of every month you’re basically never going to climb due to bad teammates.


I too heard that is when the throwers all sign on


My guess is you’d end up exactly where you are now. Your team would give up on the experiment very early - as soon as they realise you won’t listen to any criticism or point of view contradictory to your own.


You’d lose your friends a lot of SR :slight_smile:


It depends. If you play Mercy and pocket the best DPS on your team you would probably gain SR. If you play Doomfist you will probably lose SR. It wouldn’t be very much change either way though, assuming everyone is playing on their mains.


I’ve played with friends in mid-high silver and low gold on a high plat account before. It’s incredibly difficult to carry them.

Here’s the problem, you’ll be playing around high gold on average. A high plat player is generally not absurdly better than a high gold player, so while the plat’s may be slightly better than 6 enemies, you’re going to be substantially worse than 6 enemies.

Unless the Plats aren’t actually plats, and are, say, diamonds; or they spend the entire game baby-sitting you, you aren’t going to climb nearly as much as you think you will.


Assuming the “2950 SR plats” actually know how to play, and aren’t just boosted onetricks, I honestly think you could all breeze to diamond.

The metal ranks are all about the grind. If you know how to play and are willing to grind it out, you’ll climb to diamond. Even better when playing in a team, if you can get your coordination and strats in order, and have that much time to devote to playing together, night after night. Sounds like real Overwatch!

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I’ve six stacked on and off since season three and the first season your stack you will lose more then you win, the next season or two will be SR catch up and then you still start climbing, some of the other 6 stacks will have been doing it for a long time, but i recommend doing it if you can.

I’ve tried, Lord knows I’ve tried… to carry on

a gathering of angles appeared above my head :musical_note:

It’s really hard to get 6 people together at the same time, I feel like you need at least 12 people that want to 6 stack and MAAAABY once a week you’ll be able to run a whole six stack. I’ve been doing it since season 3 and in all that time I’ve only been able to run a 6v6 scrim once.

I refuse to use discord.

I’ve downloaded it twice and never got into a room despite multiple invites. (if discord takes more than 2 minutes to figure out, I don’t want to be a part of it)

I fully understand I may be missing on some great coordinated team games, but that’s a consequence I’m willing to accept…anyway…

it I had all this QoL, I’d never use matchmaker again. QoL for the LFG

So you think you would gain +600 SR while your 5 friends would all lose -200 SR? How does that even make sense?

To your question. I don’t think you would gain anything because you’d be pretty heavy weight in a high plat game and if your friends are actually plat players they wouldn’t be able to carry your weight.


so on our first win I’d gain 25sr and they’d gain 15, then next we’d loose and I’d loose 15, and they’d loose 25

so you can see how I came up with my numbers

I’d have to see for myself. a silver mercy is with silver teammates is just a silver mercy, but a silver mercy with plat teammates has to be at least a gold, no?

Fixed it for ya. Plain and simple


hey, you never did answer the last question I asked you, you said my turn based scenario wouldn’t end in a draw, but never showed your work