I'm 1950sr. How much SR do you think I could gain if started a team with me and 5 other Plats (2950sr)

“Billy” our subject for this experiment would end up with an SR of around 2550.

I’m not trying to increase my SR through forum posts. If you don’t want to take my word for it, I’ll stop talking to you.


I can see where you guys are coming from though because when I see people complaining about leavers I generally think that they are leavers themselves.

but when I ask for QoL for the LFG it’s not so much that I think I would be a better LFGer with all this QoL that I’ve invented, I just think it’s necessary for a “proper” LFG. If you think that all my theories are aimed at increasing my SR, I really don’t feel the need to prove you wrong. And maybe you suspicions are justified, but that doesn’t mean they are true.

Good, because that’s not going to happen. You need to focus on improving yourself in order to climb. In certain extreme cases, that might mean cutting back on making thousands of forum posts.

You’ve used the term “hubris” many times, and I still don’t believe that you understand what it means.

The fact that you think so many of the ideas that you incessantly spam are “quality of life improvements” is both hilarious and actual hubris.

You’ll know you stumbled upon a good idea when you get more people agreeing with you. Until then, doubling down and spamming more is… well, it’s cause for self-reflection.


roger that

unsolicited advice

I’m quitting my job Monday and selling all my worldly possessions in hopes that I will gain one point of SR, thank you for your overwatchfulness

I enjoy posting on the forums more than I enjoy working to increase my SR. And somehow you think that’s wrong. I can’t trust you anymore. Thanks though.

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some people may be aware of how the MMR system works (those who do not work at blizzard, and those who have a deeper understanding of how to “exploit” it)

so… let everyone know the formula, and no exploitation can be had

privateers only exist alongside tariffs

talk to me over voice comms please

so this is the last sentence you wrote, and now I’m going to read it and respond to give you a swift reply…

ok great, back to the original post… a silver mercy that plays with plats will float higher in sr than if she played with her peers, do you contest this statement?

ok I’ve thought about it a little bit, I don’t exactly what would happen if a silver Mercy teamed up with 5 plats. I’ll have to get back to you

so this is my off the cuff guess, what was your original guess?

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here, but it sounds interesting :+1:

you think Steph Curry is “exploiting the system” because he takes his shots 3 foot back from the average NBA player. more power to ya

“Participants must be privy to the participation they are participating in.” - Tactician

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Wow. Not only are you quoting yourself, but the quote says nothing at all. It’s like saying “In order to be wet, a wet thing must be wet.” or “In order to know something, you must know something.” Have you ever heard of the term “tautology”?

If you’re going to try to sound smart,

  1. Don’t quote yourself. Just don’t.
  2. Don’t use words that you don’t understand just because you think using them makes you sound smart.
  3. Demonstrate that you’re actually interested in discourse - don’t just dismiss everyone who disagrees with you.

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
― Harlan Ellison


anyone is allowed to attend any game as long as they can pay for the ticket, whether they are affiliated with another NBA team or not…see? the rules are clearly out in the open

wrong wrong wrong is a song I sing to you!

I don’t trust impolite people.

see, this is why I don’t like script, because it’s impossible to convey sarcasm

You’ll improve some, sure, but I doubt you’ll jump 600 SR in terms of skill. You may get hard carried upwards of that amount, but you’ll lose it the moment you start playing by yourself again because you just aren’t at a level to maintain that.

It also depends on what heroes they have you play vs what ones you actually enjoy playing. Because if they make you one-trick Mercy in an attempt to carry you, then when you leave the group you go back to playing Orisa or something, you’re going to fall right back down again.


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outside the scope of this discussion, but noted.

I’ve already addressed these points in the OP

so what do you think the outcome would be with the scenario given in the original post?

let’s say we play together 5 games per night for a month, and never played those accounts with anyone else

He’s a Bastion one-trick. That’s why he wants Bastion to have Baptiste’s jump boots as a “quality of life enhancement”.

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I disagree with this rule. If it happens in the ladder, it’s public knowledge.

they should have a giant list of every single game ever played and what the MMR scores of each player was.

but they’re going to aNgLe ShOot, you might say, and to that I answer, “very well”

let’s talk about it instead of write about it

“The rules are out in the open”
“I disagree with this rule”


I see you got the discord ping as well

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would you be interested in playing a game of overwatch with me?

Seems like you’re projecting just how important the forums are to you.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the average forum-goer’s browsing habits are strongly tied to their time in the bathroom.


fair point

you wanna play a game of Overwatch together?

Character limit.