I'm 1950sr. How much SR do you think I could gain if started a team with me and 5 other Plats (2950sr)

Im too lazy and my notifications are totally bugged. I get a motification for any reply or post made in the competituve section

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you know that scenario where I showed turn based DPS/HPS/Tanks etc…

I said it would end in a draw and you said it wouldn’t, do you remember that?

Like i said, im too lazy. Nor do i care enough if you cant see it


I’ll just assume you were making stuff up then. See you next time.

Do as you wish, but if you think so then you clearly have not thought about it very thoroughly, like most things


here it is right here

6v6 Turn based combat

Damage: 200hp, 1 point of damage per round
Support: 200hp, 1 point of healing per round
Tank: 400hp, 0.5 points of damage per round

it doesn’t matter which roles either team picks, this scenario will always end in a draw, no matter how many rounds your run it for

here’s the original scenario

show your work, don’t think you can waltz back in here

Fine then. 3 tanks and 3 healers vs 1 tank, 3 DPS, 2 supports. The damage of the first team is a total of 1.5 per turn, their healing is 3. The damage of team 2 is 3.5 per turn, with a healing of 2.

Team 1 is effectively taking .5 damage a turn while team 2 takes 0 damage as they can heal up all of the damage done


thank you sheesh, I’ll edit the original post

If humans were as deterministic as you make them out to be, if Overwatch was as symmetric as you seem to think it is… sure. Problem is you’re demonstrably wrong on both counts.

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It takes half a second of thought to prove it. Why should i bother to type it out if you won’t even do the thought yourself?


a simple oversight, nothing more

I was able to see it without any paper but apparently you couldnt after you came up with it, you literally just didn’t bother to think about it. And it isnt even an accurate representation of overwatch


fine fine, rub it in, gimme a week or two and I’ll have it polished up for you

thank you for your troubles

Im not going to bother again. There’s no point because as i said

And you don’t look through anything thouroughly.


it’s an online forum, for goodness sake

besides, sometimes I get swept away in the hype of the mob and want to quell them very much so, it’s a labour of love :heart: I don’t agree with them most often, but it saddens me

we must start with the basics and build from there, if you don’t like the lecture, you can leave the hall :slight_smile:

Lets look at some more.

2 or more healers and any amount of any other damaging role greater than one, vs 6 tank. You could split the ratio with tanks quite a bit and get the same results.

The funny part is, weve had plenty of 3-3 metas just to prove how your scenario is entirely innacurate. If you wanna sound smart or come up with something that you think even remotely resembles what you want it to, you have to use your brain first.


If someone is worthy of a lecture hall, they should use some amoumt of brain power and thought in their lecture


the tanks are what through my calculations off

Damage: 200hp, 1 point of damage per round
Support: 200hp, 1 point of healing per round

this is the original scenario, I threw tanks in there with the guise of haste and hubris.

Let me get back to you…

anyone is allowed to stand on a street corner, I’m not provocative enough to be kicked off of a street corner

I’m not going to read any more of what you write, after reading this.

If you wanna talk in earnest about anything, I’m game. But let’s be practical and efficient please and avoid the written word, for practicality’s and efficiency’s sake.

If you’d like to talk over voice comms, I would prefer that.

I’m not here to write and read in any great length.

so, shall I send you a friend invite?

Now I will read the rest of what you wrote, I hope it’s a little more polite and interesting.

nevertheless QoL for the LFG

overwatch is an awesome game, there’s a lot of things that touch it that I don’t like. if you wanna call adding QoL to the LFG a “different game” I’d encourage you to choose better words so that I may understand exactly what you mean.

you’re under the assumption that my posts aim to increase my SR

do I want my SR to increase? yes

do I think it’s worth giving any effort towards? no

do I enjoy theorizing on the forums? yes

you’re pushing your own agenda

we’ll post our findings back in the thread after the voice comms, and you can call me out if I lie about our findings