Illidan Genji "Return" Kind of Confirmed with this season

Previous season we got Demon Hunter Sombra return as a recolour. This season we’re getting Raynhardt Reinhardt and Tyrande Symmetra returning as recolours of their originals. Illidan Genji now is the only legendary Blizzcon skin that hasn’t returned as a recolour and this season’s shop skins pretty much confirms he’s returning as a recolour.
Edit: not confirmed but also no longer impossible

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Did blizzard officially announce it?

People playing fast and loose with “confirmation”.

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Demon Hunter returned as a recolour this year (forgot the season). People thought it wasn’t a big deal since it was also a free earnable skin as a Halloween challenge in the past.

But this season they’re releasing recolours of two Blizzcon skins that could only be attained through that $50 Blizzcon purchase. This is the main difference. So Illidan Genji recolour can now be seen as possible to be released as a future shop skin in a future season. Yes not confirmed but probability skyrocketed.

The skins are already in the game. Just click that link. So it makes sense that Genji’s one skin will come back as well.

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It’s only recolors, don’t worry about it.

At least they didn’t re-released the original one, so the original skins could somewhat still being exclusive.

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Not yet only sym and rein have gotten their theirs remade

I meant the skin recolour being confirmed to come in the future with this season being the proof/evidence.

Its nit confirmed nothings confirmed with this dev team its been a year and we still dont have weapon inspect

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Then I’ll say its no longer impossible for Illidan Genji skin to not return due to it being a “Blizzcon purchase” skin since past ones have returned but as recolours of the original version.

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Wait. Does this mean we’ll get Winston’s Blizzard Pass skin released but recolored?

Oh… wait a moment.

Maybe not cos you could say that every epic skin he has is a recolour of that already :sweat_smile:
Same with Bastion.

Ya, that was the only pass I bought cause I was on a very big high for OW back then. The regret… such a awful skin. Y.Y

“making sense it will come back” is still not confirmation.

Just “slightly less” impossible.

It’s possible but less likely imo. Tyrande is an easier design to reskin to a generic Sin’dorei than Illidan. Your best bet is a similar corresponding Blood Elf Demon Hunter skin. But it’s kind of weird for a random nameless blood elf to have the glaives of azzinoth lol

But look at Raynhardt Reinhardt. We got the EXACT same skin but with a different shield design and its blue armour. Probably even has the super cool feature that closes the helmet when you’re shielding.

Also dont get me wrong i want a blood elf genji skin but im not getting my hopes up

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No they are not in the game. They are supposed to be released in season 8.

Sources : Overwatch in game shop on my screen and just read a bit further down the link you referenced.

What would they even recolor him too though? I have a very limited knowledge in WoW but i don’t know of any iconic character who looks similar to Illidan.