Illidan Genji "Return" Kind of Confirmed with this season

I don’t follow WoW too but apparently Illidan was a normal elf before becoming some sort of Demonic Elf that hunts Demons. That’s all I know. So maybe a pre-demon Illidan no horns and green markings but same weapon and skin design


this is a good way to do it

i own all the skins so seeing them return would be pretty sad cause i paid money for a blizzcon ticket to get all the cool stuff

with this both sides are happy

See i was broke when the genji skin came out so i never got it but i would like a blood elf more


Same here. Which is why I’m happy I can get the recolour of Blizzcon Symmetra. Exact same skin quality with just different colours. Easy addition to the random shuffle collection I have (Mermaid, Null Sector, Elf)


Yeah, i would definitely prefer the blood elf version.

I didn’t like the original one, that’s why i didn’t buy the Blizzcon ticket that time.

Im just not trying to get my hopes up because knwking blizzard they will do it

I liked them but wasn’t crazy for them i gave them a 7/10 but a blood elf my main race i played in wow for my priest im 100% buying that funny enough with the gold from that character

oh my god yesssss i loved that skin but i wasnt going to pay for a 60$ virtual ticket just for it

Key reason I didn’t get the recent Blizzcon bundle. I only focus on the Overwatch skin it comes with and it was meh.

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