Illari is new best girl

Azula’s not a character you would ever cry for. Zuko is. With respect, these characters aren’t even in the same league.

sad ramattra sounds

Azula is a good DPS figure.

But that’s not really because of their gender just how they were written.

Maybe it’s been too long since ive seen avatar but you could switch their roles and they’d work just as well

I don’t think so. In theory yes, but the audience’s human response would be different.

Things on her body start glowing when she steps into shadows and they stop when you leave. That’s pretty neat. I like how the weapon operates visually: You can see the charge at the back and in the flames.

I kind of like the way she speaks. I don’t like how every sentence refers to her one accident. It’s like how Hanzo can’t stop talking about how he killed Genji.

I like how repositioning the pylon is essential to not let it break.

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I really like her a lot as a character and for her kit. Love the design and attitude, and even though they neutered her kit hard, I still play her occasionally. The last time I played her, which was a few days ago, I was still highest heals in the game while still having the third most damage on the team.

She’s great to help shoo away and kill flankers, especially when they are on your other healer, and great to get stragglers in general.

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Both videos were released before August 10th.

If I’m being real, this is what’s killing my passion for the game more than anything else.

I love OW for the characters. But the world and lore of OW feels dead in the water most of the time. I absolutely love the lore we get, it’s fantastic! But it feels so much like an afterthought, like their stories are a bonus to the game and not the fundamental reason most players are attracted to the game to begin with.

I mean there is so much about the original storyline of OW1 that has never been explored, and probably never be will now. It just makes me sad.

There needs to be consistent lore drops AVAILABLE IN GAME, we need more animations and comics AVAILABLE IN GAME.

IDC about battle passes. Sure, everyone likes a cool skin for their mains, but I don’t get hyped for BP anymore because THEY’RE NOT CONTENT. COSMETICS ARE NOT CONTENT, ESPECIALLY IF THEY’RE BEHIND A PAY WALL.

The little content we do get are these crappy LTMs made specifically to sell BPs and shop skins.

She doesn’t fit the OW universe at all. She feels like she was shoehorned into it because they couldn’t be bothered to come up with a real connection to the story. It’s also riffing off of an overly done cliche where the character comes from a super civilization that got wiped out and they’re the last of their kind.

The OW2 heroes are very bland an uncompelling (unless they existed pre-OW2 like Mauga, JQ, and Mauga).

I haven’t watched it yet but Sousou no frieren seems to be also that kind of tragic female type of story and it’s like very good I’ve heard

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She calls Doomfist players “Monkey”.

That doesn’t sound chill…that sound volatile.

Wot? “Superiority complex”?

She literally downplays herself when Echo asks her to teach inti fighting technique, she responds “I’m not qualified to answer that” for example

Because for clowns like Flats and Samito, god-forbid if a support is good at anything but healbotting, and shooting the pylon was just too hard to do.

I’m still playing Illari, I’ve managed to get pretty good at using the pylon, but it’s extremely hard to get good value playing her over Kiriko and Baptiste.