If Zen got nerfed, Moira definitely isn't safe

I wonder what in the actual world made Blizzard decide to nerf a skillshot that takes perfect tracking and 3-4 seconds to charge, because Zen currently has a high pickrate?

They nerfed his alt fire rate because apparently it was too strong at close range, because as we all know Zenyatta is an elite dualist hero since the beginning – apparently.

I don’t care about the nerf itself, it won’t even hurt Zenyatta, what bothers me is who they decide to target with nerfs.


nu jeff saw jjonak montage

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Makes perfect sense.


Shooting a volley towards the enemy spawn doesn’t require perfect tracking and isn’t really a skill shot either. It’s more like a shot in the dark leveled at head height.

By that logic Hanzo is OP because his arrow might hit a headshot on a squishy hero when firing at spawn or at a choke point.

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It’s based off their talks with the pro-players most likely. They had some weird pro summit to discuss balance changes. And next thing you know Sombra is panic nerfed and Zen has changes on the PTR.

He’s a sniper and meant to be doing that.

I’m actually curious if any of the pro players said that Zen’s alt fire is problematic, I really am.

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His alt fire was changed due to it being stupid good at LONG range not short.
Sniping at spawn etc
Not saying it’s a justified nerf but just get your facts straight.

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They wouldn’t. If they would consider nerfing her, state me some valid reasons.

Zenyatta secondary fire was nerfed due to his high burst damage. A minor nerf that won’t impact his performance heavily.


Yes but since it was luck and wasn’t very hard it deserves a nerf? I’m following your logic here.

Yeah, there was some talk. He didn’t need to kill someone so quickly, there was almost no reaction time.

I just love that when he got nerfed some people were like: “Uh, yeah he deserves it, too much alt spam no skill, easy kills,etc.”

When literally everyone saw Zen as a balanced hero and nobody complained about him.

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As if we needed even more proof the forum is just a pro-support circlej/hivemind LUL

“Developer Comments: Zenyatta is meant to be able to deal a lot of damage, especially for a support, but his alternate fire burst damage was a bit too high. This change keeps the overall damage the same but lowers the DPS slightly and makes it harder to hit multiple shots at very long ranges.”

You’re right, my bad.

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Hanzo also has projectile falloff. I don’t think anyone is fine with a support being able to just kill someone across the map. That’s the only thing that the nerf really affects, those extreme ranges. If you are mid to close it barely makes a difference.

No, that’s proof that I read the developer comments wrong. Idiot.


The pros complained.
You are very naive (as Jeff has said) to think this forum means much to the dev team. The pro scene is what matters to bliz.

I was suprised zenny came before her. w/ all the people annoyed with her range and damage on here I totally thought she would be nerfed before him

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I’m starting to smell “but he’s a support though”, and he clearly still can land lucky headshots so this nerf didn’t really affect anything significantly.

I still don’t see why he deserved that nerf albeit very insignificant.