If Zen got nerfed, Moira definitely isn't safe

Sorry, that was rude of me. :sweat_smile:

It’s alright, everyone can agree that the forums do look like a support circlej sometimes.

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Because the DEVs saw him do something that they didn’t really intend for him?

Oh, about 2 years later after the release of the game as it was happening the entire time? Oh no but now suddenly it clicked and they decided to nerf it, right.

The alt fire is still strong at close range. I believe they nerfed it cuz it was too strong at long range


The pros started to complain.
They are the ones who dictate it all afterall.

Uhm… Zen’s right click hasn’t been like this for the past 2 years, he got a consistency buff some time ago and before that, his right click was basically useless.

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If that is the case, that the pros complained about his alt fire, then I don’t have anything to say to that.

I mean I do feel more comfortable with them leading the way.

His alt fire used to have a spread and a longer recovery time iirc, so it’s not like they nerfed it after two years of it being the same.

Even if that was the case, heroes can get stronger and weaker due to changes in power in other areas (e.g. Lucio becoming mid-low tier when Mercy was must-pick and Pharah becoming weaker over time due to new heroes and Sombra changes).