If your profile is private, you shouldn't be able to view public profiles

It’s basically a double standard. “I can see your profile but you can’t see mine.”

If I’m a one-trick, I benefit from having a private profile so the enemy can’t view my profile ahead of the match to see who I play. Conversely, I can see what the enemy plays and counter-pick them before the match starts.

Winning the first fight gives you a huge advantage in the second fight. Every little thing matters. This double standard isn’t okay.

Edit: New PTR adds a “group only” setting for profile visibility. Could we get a “team only” setting as well?


And it also might save a few private profilers from embarrassment when they try and trash talk someones profile.

Sounds fair for everyone.


6 private profile topics!

We did it!

I’m so glad I could share this moment with you all


That literally makes no sense.

If your profile is private, then you dont want people to see it.

If your profile is public, then you want people to see it.

If your profile is public, and you dont want people to see it, switch it to private, or stop asking for this foolishness.


OP should read this post.

Perfectly, succinctly explained.


Private profiles and T-bagging topics today. Well gotta say it beats the “Forum Brigitte” threads.


Not that I agree with OP’s idea but there are legitimate reasons to want everyone except the enemy team to see it.


Just like a dude with a private profile throwing BS or rank shaming someone with a Public profile, but here we are, aren’t we ? :smiley:

It makes sense in game, but from the outside, on a browser, anyone will be able to see it anyway. Maybe a category that is only “ingame open”? Thats a weird territory though.

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I’m fine with that, mines private and I’m not interested in others.


Look OP I Keep my profile public (and pretty much 1-2 trick a specific set of heros every season)

I want EVERYONE to see my profile. I don’t need you dictating who can and cant see my profile. Either no one sees it or everyone sees it. Stop trying to project whatever ur issue is (which doesn’t make sense to me at all) on the rest of us.

In a shocking turn of events, players with private profiles are here defending their ability to snoop your profile even though you can’t see theirs.


Homie… did you really just say that a one-trick was going to counter-pick enemies based on their profile. Ha ha ha… nobody else caught that? Do people even read the body or is it all about that title?


Actually, I don’t want private profilers to see it. I want public profilers to see it though.

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I’m not even sure this applies anymore.

People pretty much stopped looking at my profile for the most part a few months after the change. They all just assume its private because the vast majority of profiles are private. My profile has been public a few seconds after we could log in when it was changed.

I don’t agree with private profiles either, but its not my game so meh.

That’s funny as hell, and somehow true. Did not notice that before.

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Who even bothers checking out someone’s profile anymore.


Agreed. Should have a “Team Only” option as well. But I’ve never liked that people with hidden profiles could view mine. I would like the privacy option to restrict it.

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I do. What else am I going to do while waiting for the match to start? Spam voice lines and punch the air. I do that on my way to defense anyways. I like seeing what other people play. Just for fun. I never hold it to them.

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Public profile, friends also have public profile.

What’s shocking to me is that you care so much.

Maybe I want my team to see it but not the enemy? It makes perfect sense.

I really wish for it to happen.
As theres 0 reasons a private profile would check stats, they are wrong anyway and they are scared of getting harassed.

Like open profile for public profiles.
I don’t want to give anything to players with private profiles tbh.

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