If your profile is private, you shouldn't be able to view public profiles

Private profile isn’t a privilege. It’s a choice. What exactly are you complaining about? Those who make it private chose it. Same with those who made it public.

You don’t want to be seen? Then hide it. Why do you care about those who set it public? to be an advocate no one asked for?


I don’t really see a point in my team seeing it either. They should base picks on what I picked to play, not what my most hours are on


Mine is public so that 3rd party sites like overbuff and Oversumo can track it and compare to others. Other than that it is to show my team how much effort I put into a particular hero.

So when Private Profile Billy tells me to play tank (I’m a DPS main), and I go to check who he mains the discussion ends because his is private.

I’m sick of private profile players telling me what to do.


The discussion ends because you never had a discussion.


Oh are they? I didn’t see any…

If your concern is people seeing your heroes and counterpicking, then set it to private. If you want people to see what you play go public.

Perhaps what you actually want, instead of this odd attack on private profiles, is the ability to set it to public:team only? I don’t see how setting it to public profile viewers only really does anything (except waste dev time… and they seriously aren’t that speedy so let’s not try and bog them down on silly things)

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I think the enemy shouldnt be able to see the other teams profile.

Hey i remember you commented on my private profile thread lol

Its completely up to you if you Want you profile public or not.

I agree 100%. They should only be able to check only profiles of their friends and those who are in a group with them. Also profiles should be public on default


It’s not always black and white like that. I agree if you’ve already picked a hero, then of course you should play the hero and not be told to swap to your main…

What if someone says “who should I play”? Or what if someone hasn’t chosen a hero, and I don’t want to accidentally take their main?

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As someone with a public profile, there is a reason some people to choose to have it private.

The people getting hostile and angry about private profiles are prime examples. Everything else can be solved with a simple, short conversation with your team.


If your profile is not private you’re probably don’t care who and when will check it. So there’s no reason to limit anyone else

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But that just sounds like user error more than double standard.

That’s like when your teacher would give you a test and unknowingly have the answer to one question in another question.

It wasn’t intended, but more power to you if you noticed it and it helped you.

or we can drop this whole nonsense and make EVERY profile in competitive visible.

or better yet we can drop the nonsense and revert the entire thing.

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people could accept that private profiles are a thing and stop complaining about them

well i don’t know the feeling you have of being ashamed of/with my profile, so if it helps you then whatever.

I don’t see a double standard.

One group wants their profile to only be visible to themselves and another wants their profile to be visible to everyone.

That’s not a double standard… that’s just how privacy preferences work.


I have made no such statement, but to clarify, I have no shame over my profile

You get tons of people assuming what hero you main based on your logo pic. That’s like… even worse than profiles.

Uh, no.

It must be spring. The wounded entitlement butterflies are multiplying.

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