If Your Are Play Roadhog, You Are Doing a Disservice to Your Team

I will never stop playing Roadhog. NEVER!
If that upsets you, then fight me!

He’s a good sustainable tank.

Healers just dont like him because he denies them charge.

But hog charges his ult CRAZY fast without getting help from healers by simply using TaB, dunno bout you, but I’d much rather prefer my ult being charged over someone elses.

That only really works if your ult is good. Roadhog’s ult is one of the worst in the game.


I think it depends on the roadhog… I’ve seen some pretty darn good ones.

The ones that feed are the ones that yell at their healers not doing their jobs because they(hog) has gold healing. Obviously not avoiding damage at all.

Anyone can be a throw pick. It just depends.

I rightfully can’t say if Hog is in a good place or a bad place because I never play him.

I’m still going to play him.


Yeah but it’s spammable, sure it needs some work but it’s good for how easy it is to get.

To be fair, it shouldn’t be physically possible to get gold healing on Roadhog. Even if he popped TAB on cooldown and always had the full 300 to heal, that’s barely more HPS than Zenyatta.

He feeds enemy ult with scaring people anymore. He is always more detrimental to the team then helpful

Well it’s for those like myself who would like to be a tank, but not have to rely on healers to keep them alive.

Zarya is for that she self heals for half her health, and can mitigate damage on friendlies, actually tanking

Hog nowadays does nothing but peel sometimes, not even killing the hook targets unless they are bad. He used to tank by fear, now he is a big body that does nothing

Same as if you play Bastion.

You Literally have a lower chance at winning games, if you play the hero you love.

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Wouldn’t that be every player?
I love Junkrat, so I play Junkrat. And I have a good win rate with Junkrat.

I should have stated… If you play a hero that everyone else dislikes.

Aka, i can’t just hop into a game and Play Bastion.

It’s literally not possible to stand a chance against players who like Genji, Road, and Hanzo.

Play him without a care for what the enemy thinks. His current condition is community consensus that he wasn’t fun to play against, that his abilities should reward the enemy more than him. I think it’s merely appropriate the community find it not fun to play with him after the fact.

Roadhog is not anywhere close to being as bad as you suggest.

I love threads like this.

Well, now that the OP has educated me so thoroughly, I’m actually going to switch and start playing Roadhog a lot more, now.

Hog feels okay to me. His Hook is a bit iffy sometimes but he’s not terrible. Just my experience.

And Roadhog could be so easily fixed just by changing a few numbers.
🐖 [Roadhog] Changes I want

Is this on Live or PTR?
I had some fine games on hog just last night.

I don’t ever play Hog, but I’m never excited to see him on my team.

He needs a buff; he’s clearly the worst tank IMO