If Your Are Play Roadhog, You Are Doing a Disservice to Your Team

This hero is so broken that you are a determinant to your team.

  1. Hook is beyond broke now. Just look at this clip: h t t ps://clips.twitch.tv/TastyHomelyBeanCopyThis
  2. If you do land a hook it isn’t reliable at all in securing a kill. Tracer’s can survive it. Which shouldn’t be possible.
  3. You are the best ultimate battery in the game. Plenty of heroes can just farm ultimate juice off of you and get free ultimates in record time.

Please stop playing the Pig until Blizzard finally does something about him. He is the worst tank in the game by far.


Blizzard did do something about him in the PTR.
They nerfed his right click.


No, I will still play the lord an savior Hog until my last nerfed.


Boo hoo, the “never been a long range hero” is still not a long range hero, how sad.

I cry

I see Wrecking Balls and DVas feed way harder. Hog hook works with skill and a bit of luck while he tank busts well while punishing squishies. He’s not in a great place but not a throw pick.


It just looks like D.Va feeds more due to how often she loses her mech. However, D.Va doesn’t have Take A Breather. Do I use TAB on Roadhog more than twice as much as I lose my mech on D.Va? Easily.

Wrecking ball I’m a little less sure of. He definitely feeds pretty hard, but it’s tough to guess at it due to his shields.

FYI his hook is being fixed on PTR.

He still only exists to feed and do potato damage, even more potato now

I will never stop playing Roadhog. NEVER!
If that upsets you, then fight me!

He’s a good sustainable tank.

Healers just dont like him because he denies them charge.

But hog charges his ult CRAZY fast without getting help from healers by simply using TaB, dunno bout you, but I’d much rather prefer my ult being charged over someone elses.

That only really works if your ult is good. Roadhog’s ult is one of the worst in the game.


I think it depends on the roadhog… I’ve seen some pretty darn good ones.

The ones that feed are the ones that yell at their healers not doing their jobs because they(hog) has gold healing. Obviously not avoiding damage at all.

Anyone can be a throw pick. It just depends.

I rightfully can’t say if Hog is in a good place or a bad place because I never play him.

I’m still going to play him.


Yeah but it’s spammable, sure it needs some work but it’s good for how easy it is to get.

To be fair, it shouldn’t be physically possible to get gold healing on Roadhog. Even if he popped TAB on cooldown and always had the full 300 to heal, that’s barely more HPS than Zenyatta.

He feeds enemy ult with scaring people anymore. He is always more detrimental to the team then helpful

Well it’s for those like myself who would like to be a tank, but not have to rely on healers to keep them alive.

Zarya is for that she self heals for half her health, and can mitigate damage on friendlies, actually tanking

Hog nowadays does nothing but peel sometimes, not even killing the hook targets unless they are bad. He used to tank by fear, now he is a big body that does nothing

Same as if you play Bastion.

You Literally have a lower chance at winning games, if you play the hero you love.

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Wouldn’t that be every player?
I love Junkrat, so I play Junkrat. And I have a good win rate with Junkrat.