If your aim is bad, buy a mouse

seriosly i just bought a better mouse and i feel i can improve like 2 ranks


What you say is true, but it’s not necessarily the mouse hardware but the software it comes with, specifically the ability to control the DPI scanning of the mouse. I even detail tricks in my GUIDE: Maximizing System Performance for Overwatch (PC) thread.

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I agree a mouse is a huge improvement over a keyboard. Definitely buy a mouse.

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Com’on playing Text-Based Strategy style is the hardcore way to go!

> Tracer move forward
> Tracer use blink
> Tracer use blink backwards
> Tracer jump
> Tracer use blink sideways
> Tracer use recall
> Tracer use pulse bomb

Unless the mouse is uncomfortable, unreliable, or heavy (this means you, g502 hivemind) I’d prioritize a larger mousepad. People who never think to get new mice often play at needlessly high sens because they’re pad limited, and that’s usually a bigger factor.

i played high sens cuz my mouse was so bad that a little faster movement would bug and freeze it T-T

Oof. Hopefully the new mouse is working better for you

I am not expert in this…but I have some gaming mouse, that has button, so I can change sensitivity by clicking at it during game - I use two different options out of 4 for various heros…that mouse was cheap tho, but it´s what you mean, right?

Yes, and my mouse does it too but I don’t specifically use that feature, what I mean is that I train my mouse sensitivity combined with the in-game control sensitivity for each hero and often try to get it is a low as possible, making it so that I have to drag my mouse across greater distances to move the reticle on screen. Doing so improves my ability to make tiny changes to my aim and I train my arm (not my hand) to move the mouse when I need to significantly change my view.

Most pro players often have a eDPI of around 3.25 in-game sensitivity to 800 DPI, or sometimes 1.75 in-game to 1600 DPI. However not all pro players do so, Pine (Dallas Fuel) has a relatively high sensitivity (and how he aims is beyond me).

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Instructions unclear I bought 3 mice and my aim is still trash /j

This is bad info. Pro players use much higher sensitivity on average. You can find the data here: https://prosettings.net/overwatch-pro-settings-gear-list/

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What Large said. Most pros go from 4x800 to 6x800. IIRC the average and median falls in the 4000-4400 eDPI range.

I got a whole new computer a couple weeks ago and my winrate has skyrocketed.

My scoped accuracy on Ashe has gone from 42 percent to 54 percent.

I feel invincible.

This may have to do with finally getting a solid 144 FPS instead of 60 with dips into the 20-30 range. It’s amazing how many things I see and how much better my awareness is with the entire game running smoothly.

I’ve never had a machine this nice, and it’s made me feel so much better at every game I play. I went from my 7 year old AMD processor (I can’t even remember which one it was now) and a GTX 1050 TI to an Intel Core i7-10700F 2.9GHz 8-Core 16-Thread and an RTX 3060.

Look at these screenshots I took in Red Dead Redemption 2:


It is amazing what machine and peripheral upgrades can do for you lol.

I went ahead and just copy-pasted the data into Excel and found the median is 4400 and average is 5121.

4400 equates to 5.5 @ 800 dpi or 2.75 @ 1600 dpi

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Probably to better survey surroundings and flank check

I actually thought the ability to add weights was quite nice to get a “weighted” feeling without feeling like I’m dragging lead.

That being said, you’re not wrong – I personally prefer an extra large cloth mouse pad which are quite cheap from many brands.

theres nothing wrong with a heavier mouse. I prefer them because I have gorilla hands, and even had to add additional weights to my old G502. I’d probably fling a FinalMouse off my desk at least once a day. I use a Deathadder v2 now and my only complaint is that it’s too light for me.

They’re also good for people who tend to over-aim even at their comfortable sens.

Actually not that far off from PC player on 300hz monitor vs console player.

Above 95g or so the inertia starts being a problem for 99.95% of people. Exceptions exist but far less than people think there are. IIRC DAv2 is 85ish and G502 is 115ish, so something between the two should be the upper limit.

Frequently that means they need a new sens, or time to adapt their muscle memory. After going to like, 70g, I was able to halve my sens compared to the brick I used to use.

Less mass also means that something is actually easier to stop- usually the issue with light mice is that it’s not big enough to be held securely.

Honestly, a 144Hz monitor improved my aiming more than anything else.

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