If you were to change 1 thing about Competitive, what would it be?

Change whatever is causing the forced streaks.

It’s beyond obvious when you play a lot, that the game gives you worse teammates as a reward for climbing a bit.

It’s become old, predictable, and is the opposite of fun.

But hey, what else do they have to keep people playing other than stealing their SR and making them chase it again, right?

Total BS and literally ruins the game.

I’d change the SR rewards so that you’re kinda forced to play flex. I see nothing wrong with flexing and a lot wrong with maining. So I’d introduce a SR diminishing returns system that kicks in the more a role is picked by a player.
Ultimately people would start to communicate about picks so that everyone is encouraged to get some reasonable gains.

I mean if someone gets really good playing DPS, lets say gets into diamond rank but is too afraid/too bad to play a tank in diamond then IMHO he/she doesn’t belong in diamond. It is a strategy game after all that should be understood in all levels.

If you play mercy you lose more SR than a leaver and gain 2 SR every win. Punishment for being a dead weight and hiding behind the team

Those of you who are questioning Skelly’s solution: read this and comment about it here.

https: //us .forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/a-solution-to-your-complaints-about-comp/49985?u=awesomedude2-11259

Remove the spaces

sounds cool but how about a robust LFG interface and a separate SR for 6 stacks. You could chat to your teammates before queueing up.

the team thing you said is kinda cool though

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I really would like if team play was encouraged as well, but the problem with removing group-priority is the pain of getting qued against 5/6 stacks as a solo player on a team of 6 solos.

While this would push everyone to finding 6 stack of there own, I feel like numerous players would get left behind, especially without any decent support for finding groups in the game right now, and those players would be free food for SR hungry 6 stacks

Do, not, put, 5, support, mains, on, my, team. Five in a row, 4.2k to 4k, legit so tilted that I might quit comp this season.

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I dont get them often but these sorts of things are the only time were I feel like my personal contribution couldn’t have been enough to save the game.

If they get 2 tank mains 2 dps mains 2 heal mains or even like a bunch of flex players and your team has 3 or more hard healer mains who really never flex then it gets crazy hard

Leavers should end matches.

It is not fun to be stuck in a unwinnable 5v6 situation without losing SR.

It is also not fun to win against a team that is severely handicapped to that degree.

It’s possible to win a 5v6.

stop having 2.9k-3.5k ppl in bronze. i have seen it more and more. when we start get steam roll i look at their profile. i see season 9 high is 3k sr. i seen game tonight player with 3k sr from season 9 that r 3k sr. that r over 500 lev. but blizz never going do anything about it. i seen player say i got stop winning so i can stay in this rank. u can’t report that. that why just have fun play what u want.

True that is kind of the idea though, anyone who has a team player mentality should be able to climb (regardless of group size). Anyone who can’t perform as a good team member would drop. I did address and other pros/cons this on my topic.

I have confirmed any player/team of any rank may enter. But it is a tournament so there are going to be mismatches in terms of player skills. From my conversations with Blizzard, they do welcome anyone.

I see the system you want and its a good idea on paper, but the problem is that offering such would impact search queues severely.

But would it be fun the moment a team realizes a battle goes badly a player drops and the team that is winning is unfairly denied a win? Sorry but there can be no compensation for the remaining team members when there is a leaver. They already tried that back in season 1 and decided to remove compensation for leavers.

Its possible to draw a 4v6 too!

Solid points, could you link your topic.

I also did just look up the overwatch open and they did remove the 3500 rank requirement, (it was there when I tried to sign up a while back, and its still there on the official sign up page PDF) but they only did so because not enough teams were signing up, teams below this rank are just going to be fodder.

The overwatch open is a cool for what it is, and its cool that blizzard has an accessible way for really strong players to get noticed by the OWL, or at least guarantee a contenders spot, but the open will never be something that a majority of players will ever care about.

Anything that splits the player base is going to lengthen que times at edge ranks, but we have seen other alternative comp modes do really well and the impact really is not that bad.

I agree that this mode would split the playerbase far more then any of the arcade comp modes we have seen, but not enough to noticeably impact que times below like 4200 and above like low bronze, and even then only by a few minuets.

Woah that was quick! Thx

Edit: Omg its formated exactly like my post but with really nice layouts and pictures RiP

I am bored at work today… I have nothing better to do but to grind the forums.

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Give the ranks a hard reset for once. Save bronze.

I would group people together soley on sr. Not mmr which can group you with people wildly above and below your skill level. sr should be where your skill is. Not some hidden metric determining your groups.

I would make tanks like Rein, Orissa, and Winston stronger, and more fun to play.

One easy fix I really want to see with no effort is raising the level threshold. Level 25 is much too low – anyone in high silver or gold knows that you can occasionally get a level 26 on your team and it is basically an auto-loss because their only experience is playing three or so characters feeding in quick play. Raising the threshold also tamps down smurfing which is pretty agreeably good.

A more complex and challenging change would be some sort of role queue but this queue would have to account for mid-match flexing, role “Trades” amongst teammates and maybe even non-222 comps.