If you were to change 1 thing about Competitive, what would it be?

Continuing the discussion from If you were to change 1 thing about Competitive, what would it be?:

TLDR from the last post
  • People’s attitude towards comp
  • Soft-Rolequeue
  • No comp points
  • Build a team for comp
  • A MMR that puts people where they belong.
  • No 2CP
  • Robust LFG interface (whatever the hell that is)
  • No smurfs
  • Add a guild system
  • Serious players only
  • Regret’s permaban
  • Low priority for one-trickers
  • Soft role selection option
  • Preventing same hero one-trickers from being on the same team
  • Soloqueue
  • Allow uneven matches
  • Low priority for:
    • 1 tricks
    • Throwers
    • Leavers
    • Toxic players
    • False reporters
  • Performance based SR
  • Level and SR based queue
  • More Avoid player slots
  • Role select
  • No penalty for staying as a team
  • Role queue
  • Harsher punishments
  • Cancelled match if team comp is uneven
  • Role select before queueing
  • LFG chat rooms
  • No PBSR
  • No MMR
  • No CP
  • Remove group priority matchmaking
  • No same hero mains on one team
  • Change forced losing streaks
  • SR rewards to allow flexers
  • No punishment for being a dead weight
  • No high SR people in Bronze
  • Hard reset for ranks
  • SR matchmaking
  • Better tank play
  • Increase minimum level requirement.
TLDR from current post
  • Replace SR with global rank
  • 6 stacks only
  • Remove PBSR/overhaul the SR system
  • Time limited PBSR (first 100 matches)
  • Remove CC
  • No decay (except Top 500)
  • Multiple versions of Competitive available all year round
  • Change title to “So you think this is actually competitive?”
  • Reset the MMR system
  • Practice mode and looking for scrims (for all ranks)
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remove PBSR/overhaul the SR system so PBSR is not needed


Kind of liking this point. PBSR seems to make the system too complicated (note not ‘complex’).

Shouldn’t winning be the ultimate metric? How could such a system account for someone who still manages to win most their matches due to something hard to/not measured.

not sure what you’re asking here

Some damage is more valuable than other damage. Likewise with healing.

I’ll admit, PBSR is still pretty darn close to perfect, they have so much data! However the win is an even better indicator of who is better.

Kaawumba wants PBSR, but only for like the first 100 games. he says after that it’s pretty much useless. So I would be in favor if they only used it when the system was very sure of your rank. Like if you haven’t played in a month or two.

I was simply suggesting winning may be the only metric necessary.

I’d be curious to see Kaawumba’s PBSR argument as to why hew views the first X games of PBSR as meaningful.

Does it ultimately matter in the long run?

If not, why does it matter initially?

Wouldn’t the ultimate amount of wins and losses be sufficient to place someone correctly without an additional ‘helper’ system such as PBSR?

I talked to him about it. He’s line of thinking is, after about 100 games or so, the system is pretty confident of your SR. So there’s really no need for PBSR at that point.

There are 462 different ways to mix up 11 people to create a match of Overwatch for you.

You need to play at least 700 games to ensure the bell curve will form half way decent.

Oh I understand the after 100 games logic. But would the first 100 games without really be that different in terms of the final result they produce?

Regardless, I think PBSR may have been introduced to ‘encourage’ specific game play, a type of ‘training wheels’ to help people ‘learn to succeed’ at playing.

I just think it may not have been necessary at all.

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they used to have win streak bonuses. grouping penalties. they used to give you less SR at the beginning of the season so you could “improve” lol

these people have taken competition and spit in her face lol :slight_smile:

remove CC
twenty characters

I’d like to get rid of decay outside of t500. This game negatively affects my sanity, let me take breaks ffs :frowning:

I’d make it so that multiple variations to competitive would be available all year round. Catering to most ways people want to play the game. VS 1 way, and the other few other comp modes gated in events. No decay on anyone but T500. That place is the only area that has an actual number to your name. GM-Diamond what does it matter? Especially when those people don’t actually derank into Diamond. So what is the freaking point.

I’d just change the title of the mode to “So you think this is actually competitive?” and call it a day.

Reset the mmr system so mercy mains cant camp there rank at the end of each season

Practice mode and looking for scrims - for all ranks. Not just the privileged high diamond and master ranks.