If you were a overwatch dev what changes would you make?

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I would start off simple. When OT happens on payloads. The radius marker shows up.


Start focusing on workshop.

Edit: It’s funny because workshop is basically development for players in custom games. As a developer, I would be giving development tools.


For me:

Make sym back to sym 2.0
Buff mercy back to 60hps or remove rez and give her another healing ability
Buff Sigma/Orisa/D.Va/Roading to zarya’s/reinhardts level
Give bastion a rework

Lol pretty much just the general stuff.


Remove 1 shots from widow/hanzo/doomfish and rebalance the heroes around that.


They’re a user though…

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i would move Zenyatta to be announcer and remove him from the game and remove Lucio too :wave: :wave:

Let’s see

Add Contenders Schedules to the Client, create Contenders viewer (like OWL viewer), add the contenders skins for purchase.

Moira: Full Rework (dunno what this would be yet, but her life stealing and her lock on suck have to go for sure)

Sigma: Accretion Removed, Kinetic Grasp now gives shields as damage is being absorbed, and does not decay but are instead removed after 10 seconds.

Doom: Charged punch damage reduced to 150 upon hitting wall, decrease distance that it sends the opponent BUT increase the distance that it can send doomfist

Bap: immortality field removed, healing reduced from 50 per grenade to 30 per grenade.

Hanzo: Lunge removed, storm arrows reduced to 4, Headshots no longer one shot

Widow: Reload time increased, grapple cd increased to 20, full charge time increased.

Sombra : had this really crazy idea where her hack would become a projectile but idk if it would work

Ana: healing reduced from 75 to 50 per shot

Mercy: I really want to remove rez and replace it with something else, but I’m not sure what.

Hog: Add the fart cloud from 3-2-1 to a lesser degree.

That’s all i can really think of off the top of my head

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Translation: “I want bap to be guttered”

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Yes. It’s obscene how much healing he puts out and how busted field is. The idea is to reduce overall healing as well as damage

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??? He is decent at most.


Fix a lot of unfun mechanics, and turn them into something more fair but still powerful.

Deflect for example would be on a resource meter, and last for very short time when pressed. Successful Deflects drain a small gradual amount of this resource, with no cooldown, while unsuccessful deflects force a cooldown.

This means good Genjis get to use Deflect more often, bad Genjis no longer have a 2 second shield to protect them.

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Yet you didn’t say anything about Ana. The best healer. In the game.

I’ll get to her. 4char

These changes scream “I am bad at the game please make it easier”

What has Baptiste ever done to you to deserve being absolutely gutted?

Hanzo is already the 2nd worst DPS in the game, why not just delete him if you dislike him so much?


All these changes make her garbage.

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So so many.

First things first…

Add guilds and then prioritise making support and tank roles more appealing by updating potg/card system to reward more team oriented plays, in game feelgood factor and developing heroes in those roles that are fun and engaging to play.

Just remove supports. Soldier can be the support. Ez. “Team, drink up!”

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I wanna try this tank idea.

✅ Kierkegaard, had a good Tank idea


Projected Barrier

  • Increased to 900HP, up from 600HP.
  • Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds.


Experimental Barrier

  • Decreased to 600HP, down from 900HP
  • No cooldown delay when deploying and canceling the barrier.
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Thank god those are not the actual devs xD