If You Want Mercy Fun, Rez Needs To Go

Then go work for them if you know so much about game design.

Watch the first minute ; Yaya top 500 Mercy main

"Why you didn’t die on point ".

Is just your people refuses to accept how things went in the past.


Yea, it just needs to go. Rez is what has caused all these changes the Mercy over the game’s history. The agrument on how it is a core part of her kit can’t really work anymore considering other heroes have had core abilities removed and replaced.

??? You’re shifting the conversation to something completely irrelevant. The point is, the rework did not need to be THIS WAY. It could have been something else, but it wasn’t — because of the design team. Has nothing to do with old Mercy’s design.

“Why didn’t you die on the objective so that I could get the most out of my rez by rezzing the most number of people?” People dying on Pluto helps NO ONE.

You are basically validating my point.

"Just die on point, die on objective ".

I didn’t say “just die” and you know it. I already told you that you know what it meant. You’re twisting words to make an argument that isn’t valid. If you’re going to die and Mercy has rez up, die where she can get the most number of people. Why die on Pluto when you should be on the objective anyway?

I am not shifting the conversation, you just don’t understand what I am talking about, or refuse to, because it is saying something you don’t want to hear, which is that Mass Resurrect was poor design and it isn’t coming back.

It’s not my problem you can’t comprehend what I am saying.

Also, please stop acting like you know more than a team of experts whose literal job it is to design super popular video games. Stop being an armchair warrior. If you want change, be the change you want and go get proper work experience, get a job at Blizzard, and then go be apart of that change.

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How are you misunderstanding a simple concept??? You are blaming Mercy’s CURRENT design on her OLD design. WHY?

Good grief, this conversation is exhausting.

I meantioned the team’s inadequacy ONCE. It is a FACT that the rework could have been something else. But it wasn’t.

“Everyone is wrong about mass ress ! reddit, top 500 , famous streamers, pro players, the whole community who ISN’T a Mercy main all are wrong”!

I already gave you PROOFS, real proofs, videos about how your own people were SUGGESTING as a “”“valid pro play”""to STOP healing, to HIDE and wait everyone to die or be prepared to all die on objective/point etc.

How hard is to GET it over your head? how blind your "cult "can be? .

Mass ress is never going to come back, nobody enjoyed nobody liked it nobody wanted to play for it except Mercy mains because they are the ones who put it on first place.

Why are you such an angry person? Why do you let a fictional video game character be the center of your energy?

All I said was that if Blizzard didn’t implement such a poor design that is Mass Resurrect, we wouldn’t be where we are at now with current Mercy, had they done something different with her ultimate from the start.

First of all, I can’t watch those videos right now. Second of all, I’ve seen “examples” and they are terrible.

And now you are shifting it to “hiding” instead of “die on point” which was the initial conversation.

“Mass rez is never coming back.” Okay?? Once again, NOT the discussion we were having.

Let me tell you a mini story. I was on Anubis B and coming back from spawn. My team died in a group, probably because of a grav, so I had three down together and a fourth dead person off point, away from the group. I flew in and rezzed the three, and the fourth person said I didn’t catch them in the rez. What did I say? “You weren’t close enough.” He wasn’t close enough. He was not on the point. So keep trying to peddle something that isn’t true. Something you know isn’t true. That argument has been debunked a million times over. I wish people would stop trying to make it something it isn’t.

Mercy mains have selective memory on how mass res was used, even in high ranks.
Plenty of videos on it.

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I’m not angry. And why are you trying to change the conversation again? Guess this discussion is over, which is fine with me.

What about the selective memory where people are peddling that mass rez was super OP? You realize how ridiculous that argument is? I question those memories more than anything.

It either needs to go or they need to make some big changes. Res on a cooldown is never going to work.

That’s the politically correct statement they have to use. Not to mention this isn’t the only reason they have given and you know it. Over-simplification of arguments is manipulative.

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If it could be used then, it can be used now. End of story.

That was me trying to change the conversation?

You seem pretty angry to me because you’re awfully accusatory and clearly a little too mentally invested into a fictional character.

I’m not accusing anyone. Stop trying to analyze my emotional state. And I already explained why what you quoted is wrong. There is nothing more to say.